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Q: What is the difference PYTHO and java and c?
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Major difference between c and java?

Java is object oriented, C is not...

What is the difference between c plus plus and java programming?

Java doesn't have pointers. C++ has pointers.

Difference between java and C plus plus?

java is an advanced object oriented programming language than c++

Difference between procedure and function in C or C plus plus or Java language?

In C there are functions only, In Java methodsonly (static methods as well), in C++ both.

What is difference between exception handling in C and Java?

Easy: there is no exception-handling in C.

What is the difference between java compiler and C compiler?

Greetings Technologist. The Java compiler compiles Java code, whereas the C compiler compiles C Code HTH Richard Wolf Software Architect

Can you use data structure in java?

Yes. Its just (sort of) like C and C++. The difference is that Java does not have pointers, it has references, but, philosophically, its the same thing.

What is the difference between javascript and java programming langugage?

JavaScript and java are 2 completely different things. JavaScript is in web pages to make it more interesting and java is a complex computing language devised from c + c++.

What is the difference between cc plus plus and java?

C is a procedure oriented language ,Where C++ & java are object oriented language.But java is platform independent.So generally C is called POP.C++ is called OOP.But java is OOP , which is platform independent.If java does not support primitive data type then it is called as pure object oriented language.

What are the main differences between Java and C plus plus?

the difference is that c plus is better because you get big grades

Is Java better than c plus plus?

It is a different tool with difference strengths and weaknesses.

Major difference between java and cpp?

CPP typically stands for the C PreProcessor, which does macro expansion on C source code. What I suspect you want to know are the differences between C++ and Java. See the links below for more information on that topic.