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Data-type (short for integer).

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7y ago

In C, an int is an integer data type, with a length of sizeof(int) bytes.

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the type of data which we store in a variable.. example: int a=10; /*here a is variable (data) which is of type int and stores a value 10.*/

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Data Type defines the type of data that will be stored. Example : int, byte, short etc

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In Java:int[] myArray;// or: int myArray[]followed by:myArray = new int[16];Instead of int, you can use any other data type, including a class.

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"int" is the abbreviation for an integer data type. In Java an int is specifically a 32-bit signed integer.

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Let's look at an example. int a = 1; Here our variable is 'a' which is of type 'int'

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The valid range of numbers for int is 32768 to 32767.

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printf ("sizeof (int) is %d bytes", (int)sizeof (int)); Most likely it will be 2 or 4.