There is quite a bit of work. The problem sets are usually designed to make you think, so looking up formulas in the book blindly is not helpful.
You usually have a few hours of lecture a day. How you fill the rest is up to you. There are many sports/clubs/things to do, it varies.
The UROP program is great in that it allows undergrads to very easily get research positions at amazing labs, and get paid for it.
Occasionally you get to sleep.
The bottom line is that MIT gives you no shortage of rope to hang yourself with - you have many options in how to occupy your time.
MIT was founded in 1861.
MIT is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
This says from YOUR daily life - the teacher wants YOU to look around you and find some pulleys, like in a machine or technology or anywhere you can find one. They're everywhere, so all you have to do is look around you in school or at home.
of course MIT PUNE. there is no comparision
Daily life was very tight
what is a Brazilian person daily life like what takes place in the week days
The most similar game to Daily Life is the Sims.
what was life like in 1930's? what was life like in 1930's?
The Llama
measurements effect oyr daily life like an engineer is using many measuring instruments in his daily work.
Life was hard and money was tight.
daily life for the Aztecs was building houses and hunting and making clothes and having sex
just like yours
you tell me