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automatic storage class

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Q: What is the by default storage class of any variable in c?
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What is the function of default values in java?

Default values are available for any class or instance variable. If you do not specify a value for a class or instance variable the JVM will provide a default value that will ensure that the system does not end up with any unexpected errors because you used a variable that was not initialized. Ex: Public class Test { int I; } In the above class we have just declared an instance variable called 'I' but we haven't associated any value to it. The JVM automatically assigns 0 as the default value to this variable.

What is static variable in the class in cpp?

Static member variables of a class are variables that are local to the class within which they are declared. That is, each instance of the class (each object) shares the same common member variable. Changing that variable's value in one instance will change it for all instances. Contrast with a non-static member variable where each instance of the class has its own independent variable, scoped to the object itself (not the class of object).

What is the initial value of a numeric variable?

When we talk about instance variables, the default initial value for a numeric variable is always '0'. Any other variable in your code must be initialized before you can use it. public class MyClass{ public int x; // 0 by default public float y: // 0 by default public MyClass{ int z; z++; // Error 'z' don't have a default value } }

What is storage claases in c language?

storage classes is important part of c language.WHENEVER we define any function in c program then we can call that in every definend class. there are four types of storage class. these are... 1 AUTO OR AUTOMATIC STORAGE CLASS 2 REGISTER STORAGE CLASS 3 STATIC STORAGE CLASS 4 EXTERNALSTORAGE CLASS 1) The features of "AUTOMETIC" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : storage will be in memory. value : garbage value. scope : scope is local to block to the variable. life : till, controls remain within the block. 2) The featurs of "STATIC" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : memory. value : zero. scope : local to block. life : Till control remains within the block. 3) The featurs of "REGISTER" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : register. value : garbage value. scope : local to the block. life : value persists between variable. 4) The feature of "EXTERNAL" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : memory. value : zero. scope : local to block. life : till controls remains within the block.

Describe about storage allocation and scope of global extern static local and register variables?

Global Varible: The variable which is declared as "Global" one : having the preveleges to use and access that variable in any class and object( means any where in the program) just like PUBLIC keyword in OOPS concepts. Static Variable : If we declare a variable as Static , then it wont have the permission to access that variable through out the program and u have to use it inside the class or object which u declared itself. All the Best Annapurna

Related questions

What is the function of default values in java?

Default values are available for any class or instance variable. If you do not specify a value for a class or instance variable the JVM will provide a default value that will ensure that the system does not end up with any unexpected errors because you used a variable that was not initialized. Ex: Public class Test { int I; } In the above class we have just declared an instance variable called 'I' but we haven't associated any value to it. The JVM automatically assigns 0 as the default value to this variable.

What is the difference between a static variable a global variable and a local variable?

A static variable is a variable allocated in static storage. A local variable is a variable declared inside a function. A global variable is a variable declared outside of any class or function. Note that local variables and global variables can both be allocated in static storage.

What is static variable in the class in cpp?

Static member variables of a class are variables that are local to the class within which they are declared. That is, each instance of the class (each object) shares the same common member variable. Changing that variable's value in one instance will change it for all instances. Contrast with a non-static member variable where each instance of the class has its own independent variable, scoped to the object itself (not the class of object).

What is the initial value of a numeric variable?

When we talk about instance variables, the default initial value for a numeric variable is always '0'. Any other variable in your code must be initialized before you can use it. public class MyClass{ public int x; // 0 by default public float y: // 0 by default public MyClass{ int z; z++; // Error 'z' don't have a default value } }

What is the initial value of (-1-17) and (-3-15)?

When we talk about instance variables, the default initial value for a numeric variable is always '0'. Any other variable in your code must be initialized before you can use it. public class MyClass{ public int x; // 0 by default public float y: // 0 by default public MyClass{ int z; z++; // Error 'z' don't have a default value } }

What is storage claases in c language?

storage classes is important part of c language.WHENEVER we define any function in c program then we can call that in every definend class. there are four types of storage class. these are... 1 AUTO OR AUTOMATIC STORAGE CLASS 2 REGISTER STORAGE CLASS 3 STATIC STORAGE CLASS 4 EXTERNALSTORAGE CLASS 1) The features of "AUTOMETIC" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : storage will be in memory. value : garbage value. scope : scope is local to block to the variable. life : till, controls remain within the block. 2) The featurs of "STATIC" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : memory. value : zero. scope : local to block. life : Till control remains within the block. 3) The featurs of "REGISTER" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : register. value : garbage value. scope : local to the block. life : value persists between variable. 4) The feature of "EXTERNAL" storage class are as under some conditions: storage : memory. value : zero. scope : local to block. life : till controls remains within the block.

What is meant by default access of class in java?

That's what you get when you don't include any access specifier, such as "public" or "private". This default access gives access to any class in the same package.

Describe about storage allocation and scope of global extern static local and register variables?

Global Varible: The variable which is declared as "Global" one : having the preveleges to use and access that variable in any class and object( means any where in the program) just like PUBLIC keyword in OOPS concepts. Static Variable : If we declare a variable as Static , then it wont have the permission to access that variable through out the program and u have to use it inside the class or object which u declared itself. All the Best Annapurna

What do you mean by public private protected and friendly?

An Access Modifier is a key word in java that determines what level of access or visibility a particular java variable/method or class has. There are 4 basic access modifiers in java. They are:1. Public2. Protected3. Default and4. PrivateJava does not have a friendly access modifier.Public Members:If a variable or method is declared public, it means that it can be accessed by anyone or any other class (irrespective of which package they are in).Private Members:Members marked private can't be accessed by code in any class other than the class in which the private member was declaredProtected and Default Members:The protected and default access control levels are almost identical, but with one critical difference. A default member may be accessed only if the class accessing the member belongs to the same package, whereas a protected member can be accessed (through inheritance) by a subclass even if the subclass is in a different package

Can you use extern and static together?

Storage classes are used to indicate duration and scope of a variable or identifier. Duration indicates the life span of a variable. Scope indicates the visibility of the variable. The static storage class is used to declare an identifier that is a local variable either to a function or a file and that exists and retains its value after control passes from where it was declared. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. A variable declared of this class retains its value from one call of the function to the next. The scope is local. A variable is known only by the function it is declared within or if declared globally in a file, it is known or seen only by the functions within that file. This storage class guarantees that declaration of the variable also initializes the variable to zero or all bits off. The extern storage class is used to declare a global variable that will be known to the functions in a file and capable of being known to all functions in a program. This storage class has a duration that is permanent. Any variable of this class retains its value until changed by another assignment. The scope is global. A variable can be known or seen by all functions within a program.

What defines a variable?

A variable is a named storage location that can hold any data value. A variable has two associated values ; r value and l value.

What is class variable?

Class Variables or Instances variables are variables that are declared inside a class and are available for the whole class. They are available for all instances of that class and are not specific to any method. Ex: public class Test { private String name = "Rocky"; } Here name is a class variable.