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Q: What is the breakdown voltage for plastic pipe?
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What is the forward breakdown voltage for in4007 diode?

there is no forward breakdown voltage for any diode

What is breakdown voltage of diode?

The critical value of the voltage, at which the breakdown of a P-N junction diode occurs is called the breakdown voltage.The breakdown voltage depends on the width of the depletion region, which, in turn, depends on the doping level. The junction offers almost zero resistance at the breakdown point.

Is fwd break over voltage is greater than reverse breakdown voltage i.e VboVbr?

forward breakover voltage is slightly smaller than reverse breakdown voltage

What happens to zener current after the breakdown voltage is reached?

After breakdown voltage is reached in a zener diode the current increases drastically.

Break down voltage?

The breakdown voltage of an insulator is the minimum voltage that makes it partially conductive electrically. On the other hand, the breakdown voltage in a diode refers to the minimum reverse voltage to cause it to conduct in reverse.

What is withstand voltage?

It is the rated test voltage that will not cause insulation breakdown.

Difference between diode and zener diode?

All diodes have a tiny voltage when current flows in a 'forward' direction. And a Reverse Breakdown voltage when current tries to flow in a reverse direction resulting in a high voltage. That current does not flow until voltage exceeds its breakdown number. Regular diodes have a reverse breakdown voltage that is somewhere above a number, For example a 1N4002 has a Reverse Breakdown Voltage somewhere above 100 volts. A Zener diode is constructed so that its Reverse Breakdown voltage is clearly defined and accurate. For example Reverse Breakdown voltage for a 1N4733 is 5.1 volts. A !N4734 is 5.6 volts.

Which voltage is greater in thyristor whether forward breakover or reverse breakdown voltage?

One voltage is greater in thyristor whether forward breakover or reverse breakdown voltage. The greater of the two voltages in thyristor is forward breakover voltage.

What is the breakdown voltage of 1N4007 diode?

The reverse breakdown voltage of the 1N4007 diode is 1000 volts.

What is rated break down voltage?

A: ZENERS are nothing else then regular diode that have a very predictable reverse breakdown voltage of xx volts. This voltage can be used to limit the input voltage or regulate on it.

What is knee voltage and breakdown voltage?

Knee voltage (cut in voltage) :-The forward voltage at which the current through the P-N Junction starts increasing rapidly is called as Cut in voltage or knee voltage Breakdown voltage :-It is the minimum reverse voltage at which the P-N Junction can conduct without damage to the current

How much does one miter of plastic pipe weight?

It depends on the thickness of the plastic pipe. :)