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You don't waste time computing a pivot.

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Q: What is the benefit of randomization in quick sort algorithm?
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Is quick sort is an example of dynamic programming algorithm?

quick sort is a divide and conquer method , it is not dynamic programming

What fundamental mathematical principle underlies the effectiveness of the Quick sort algorithm to sort certain lists of data elements rapidly?


How do you sort an array of numbers?

Use a sorting algorithm. There are a bewildering number of sorting algorithms, both stable and unstable. To sort numbers, an unstable sort suffices. The algorithm you use will depend on how many numbers need to be sorted (a small or a large set), however a hybrid algorithm (a combination of two or more algorithms) can cater for both. Introsort (unstable) and timsort (stable) are the two most common hybrid sorting algorithms.

What are the advantages for bubble sort?

Bubble sort has no practical applications other than that it is often cited as an example of how not to write an algorithm. Insert sort is the best algorithm for sorting small lists of items and is often used in conjunction with quick sort to sort larger lists. Like insert sort, bubble sort is simple to implement and is a stable sort (equal items remain in the same order they were input). However, insert sort uses copy or move operations rather than swaps (which is actually three operations per swap) and is therefore quicker. The only time a bubble sort will work quicker than insert sort is when the array is already sorted, which renders the entire algorithm redundant. A modified algorithm that specifically tests if an array is sorted or not would be more efficient than a single-pass bubble sort.

In a sorting algorithm the sort order can be changed by changing the operator?

In a sorting algorithm the sort order can be changed by changing the comparison operator.

Explain and illustrate insertion sort algorithm to short a list of n numburs?

Explain and illustrate insertion sort algorithm to short a list of n numburs

If quick sort and merge sort have same elements then what will be the complexity of both algorithms?

quicksort should be O(n^2), but merge sort should be O(nlogn). but if you can modify partition algorithm with checking all values same in array from p to r, it could be O(nlogn).

Can you modify the bubble sort algorithm to search to sort an array of characters instead of array of integers?

The bubble sort algorithm can be applied to an array of characters. Every character can be translated to an integer equivalent via the ascii table

Divide-and-Conquer to sort numbers using quick sort?

Yes, that's how quick-sort works.

Why is quick sort and merge sort called stable algorithms?

Quick sort is not stable, but stable versions do exist. This comes at a cost in performance, however. A stable sort maintains the order of equal elements. That is, equal elements remain in the same order they were input. An unstable sort may change the order. In some cases, the order of equal elements is of no consequence, but when two elements with different values have the same sort key, then order can be important.

When would you use bubble sort?

Never. Bubble sort is often cited as an example of how not to write a sorting algorithm and is used purely as a programming exercise. It is never used in production code. Although reasonably efficient when sorting small lists, an insertion sort performs better on average. But for larger lists it has no practical uses. A merge sort is better for large lists, but if stability isn't an issue a quick sort is even better. Hybrid sorts typically use quick sort until a partition is small enough for an insertion sort to complete the job.

18 A list is ordered from smaller to largest when a sort is called Which sort would take the longest time to execute?

Quick Sort