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to measure unknown capacitance

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Q: What is the application of schering bridge?
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What are applications of schering bridge?

A Schering Bridge is a bridge circuit used for measuring an unknown electrical capacitance and its dissipation factor.

Which is the best bridge for capacitance measurement?

schering bridge

What are the advantage and disadvantage of Schering bridge?

schering bribge is used to find the capacitance across the bridge. As the used in this bridge are less the cost is also reduced when compared to other bridges.

What kind of supply is given to schering's bridge?

schering's bridge is used to measure capacitance and dissipation factor of a capacitor. AC voltage is given to the terminals of bridge and bridge is balanced by varying resistance and capacitance in the opposite arm.

1 Of the following bridges the one which can be used for the measurement of dielectric loss of a capacitor is a Schering bridge b Heaviside Campbell equal ratio voltage c Owen bridge d Anders?

Schering Bridge

What type of electrical bridge can be used for the measurement of dielectric loss of a capacitor?

Schering bridge

Over what range of frequencies is schering bridge usually employed?

100pf to 1microfarad

When did Harald Schering die?

Harald Schering died in 1959.

What is Schering AG's population?

Schering AG's population is 26,000.

When did Schering AG end?

Schering AG ended in 2006.

What is the population of Schering AG?

Schering AG's population is 2,004.

When was Schering AG created?

Schering AG was created in 1851.