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mainly power consumption decreases in asynchronous chips they works based on time(i.e., when its term comes) but programming is of asynchronous chips are more difficult task because of we have to switch ON the chips one by one for that we have to determine the exact time that a single chip takes to complete its given instruction after completion we have to switch on the another chip.

while in the sych..chips single clock circulates entire system and all the chips should be in working state

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Q: What is the advantage of asynchronous circuits over synchronous circuits?
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Why RC circuit is preferred over RL circuit in waveshaping?

There is no true advantage of RC circuits over RL circuits, as they perform different functions. RC circuits contain resistors and capacitors, while RL circuits contain resistors and inductors.

If a three phase induction motor runs at a speed greater than synchronous speed?

When an induction motor is pushed over synchronous speed it will become a generator and will deliver power back to the utility.

Why synchronous motor is called synchronous capacitors?

A synchronous motor can operate as either a Generator or a Motor.When a synchronous motor has current applied to the windings on its rotor and the stator is energized with say a 50hz line supply (with little or no physical load) then the exact amount of excitation provided by the rotor can determine whether the stator displays inductive or capacitive properties.If the rotor is under excited (too Little rotor current) the Synchronous Motor will behave as an Inductor, however if the rotor is over excited then the Synchronous Motor will behave like a Capacitor.Hope this helps

Is a 3 phase motor a Synchronous motor?

A synchronous motor can be a type of 3-Phase AC motor, or not.A synchronous motor is defined by the period of the rotor being synchronized with the frequency of the stator windings' current. The stator windings might be 3-Phase or not (2-Phase would work).Also synchronous motors are not the only type of 3-Phase AC motors. An induction motor could also be 3-Phase AC and has a few advantages and disadvantages over a synchronous motor.

Why does a static condenser differ from synchronous condenser?

Unlike a static condenser (capacitor bank), the value of reactive power from a synchronous condenser can be continuously adjusted. A synchronous condenser also has other advantages over static condensers such as: - not being affecting by harmonics (some harmonics can even be absorbed by a synch condenser) - producing no switching transients

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What is the advantage of syncronous circuits over asynchronous circuits?

faster operation

What is the advantage and disadvantage of a synchronous counter over an asynchronous counter?

1. Easier to design 2. No propagation delay Actually the second one is the most important reason. In designing circuits that work at high clock rates, ripples will result in errors so synchronization is very very important.

What is the difference between uart and usart?

UART is universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter. It is a piece of computer hardware that translates data between parallel and serial forms. Modern ICs that have UART's that can also communicate synchronously are called USARTs (universal synchronous/asynchronous receiver/transmitter).

What is the main advantage of the Asynchronous bus over synchronous bus?

As far as I can tell, an asynchronous bus is generally considered slower in performance to a synchronous one. However, it has two useful advantages: * An asynchronous bus allows a device to send or receive data payloads which are of varying sizes. Compare an internal bus, such as PCI, where two devices exchange data in blocks of 32 or 64 bits per clock cycle, and an asynchronous bus, such as USB 2.0, where two devices exchange data packets of up to 1024 bytes. * As it is not bound by a clock cycle, an asynchronous bus allows a relatively slow input/output device to communicate at its own speed - that is, to take its time to find, read and prepare the information it needs to send, or to store the information received and prepare itself for the next incoming portion. When those two are taken into account, an assumption can be made that an asynchronous bus implementation would not require as high precision as a synchronous one to achieve stable, reliable transfers, although I'm not sure if this is actually true. Hope I am correct and this helps.

How many characters per second can be transmitted over a 1200-band line in each what modes considering a character code of 8 bits synchronous serial transmission asynchronous with 1 stop?

for 8 bit synchronous serial transmission total transmitted characters will be 1200/8 and for asynchronous transmission with 1 stop total bit will be (8+1+1=10) i.e. (8 bit + start bit+stop bit) so transmitted characters will be 1200/10

Why RC circuit is preferred over RL circuit in waveshaping?

There is no true advantage of RC circuits over RL circuits, as they perform different functions. RC circuits contain resistors and capacitors, while RL circuits contain resistors and inductors.

Why public key criptography requires longer keys than single key cryptography?

The answer is actually in the question. First, you need to understand what happens with public key cryptography (asynchronous). In essence you use public keys to initiate a secure channel, by which to pass a "single" or more properly stated, synchronous key. The operation to encrypt with the large asynchronous key is very expensive (from a computation time perspective), so you only use that to encrypt the synchronous key, then you encrypt the actual data with this synchronous key. The reason that synchronous keys are shorter is because (if you are being secure) the synchronous keys are transfered in a secure manner. For example, either by passing it to someone in person, or over a channel that is secure. An asynchronous key is not transfered via a secure method, it is transfered in the clear. To really understand how this all works, you need to look into a Diffie Hellman key exchange. A public key is really just a really big prime number put through some sort of algorithm. If we use multiplication as an example we can say, you take one huge prime number and multiply it by another huge prime number. This operation is easy to do, but very hard to undo without one of the numbers. The magic of how to get to secret numbers by transferring (in the clear) non secret numbers is what Diffie Hellman key exchange is all about. So I guess the short and sweet answer to your question is: Asynchronous keys are longer then synchronous keys because synchronous keys are only meant to be transfered via a secure channel. Asynchronous keys are transfered via insecure channels and must be longer to get an appropriately sized number to prevent factorization.

What is asynchronous transmission?

An Asynchronous Communication is where there is 'variable bit rates' at the send and receive ends, in other words the send and receive clock generators are not synchronized as in a Synchronous Communication. Synchronous communication is direct communication where the communicators are time synchronized. This means that all parties involved in the communication are present at the same time. This includes, but is not limited to, a telephone conversation (not texting), a company board meeting, a chat room event and instant messaging. Asynchronous communication does not require that all parties involved in the communication to be present at the same time. Some examples are e-mail messages, discussion boards, blogging, and text messaging over cell phones. In distance (specifically online) education asynchronous communication is the major (sometimes the only) method of communication. Usually, we use different discussion boards in each class with each having its own purpose.

Why http is asynchronous?

HTTP is a text based protocol for exchanging data over a network, and the preferred protocol for the Internet (a.k.a. World Wide Web) HTTP is synchronous: a client issues a request and waits for the corresponding response before anything else is done. Asynchronous Javascript And XML (AJAX) is a way of using a HTTP request from the web browser to retrieve data using JavaScript, without leaving the current page. This use is said to be asynchronous because the JavaScript is making the HTTP request does not wait for the response, but instead continues any further necessary processing. A handler function is called to deal with the response, as and when it arrives. So the real answer to the question as it stands is: HTTP is not asynchronous.

What is asynchronous?

Asynchronous means that data can flow back and forth between 2 things without the transfer being linked to a timer or other method of time synchronization. An example of something that's synchronous is RAM, the system bus and processor send commands at a certain frequency (x commands per second) and the RAM must be synchronized to recieve data at these amount of times per second (frequency), or some kind of multiplier of it or there will be problems reading and writing data to the RAM. Something that is asynchronous does not need to be synchronized to any kind of frequency or clock, it can transmit and recieve data intermittently. Downloading from the internet is asynchronous due to the unreliable nature of TCP/IP over long distances.

What is difference between synchronous motor and synchronous condenser?

A synchronous motor is designed to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy to produce rotation, while a synchronous condenser is designed to only regulate voltage and improve power factor on the electrical grid without mechanical output. Both devices are synchronous machines that operate based on the principles of synchronous operation and require a magnetic field to be established.

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous data transmission?

Both of these forms of communication are a means of transmitting data. The difference is in the format that the data is transmitted. Asynchronous communications is the method of communications most widely used for PC communication and is commonly used for e-mail applications, Internet access, and asynchronous PC-to-PC communications. Through asynchronous communications, data is transmitted one byte at a time with each byte containing one start bit, eight data bits, and one stop bit, thus yielding a total of ten bits. With asynchronous communications, there is a high amount of overhead because every byte sent contains two extra bits (the start and stop bits) and therefore a substantial loss of performance. Synchronous communications is the more efficient method of communications. CQ's connectivity solutions communicate through the synchronous method of communications. Through synchronous communications, data is transmitted as frames of large data blocks rather than bulky individual bytes. One advantage of synchronous is that control information is easily inserted at the beginning and end of each block to ensure constant timing, or synchronization. Another advantage of synchronous is that it is more efficient than asynchronous. For example, a 56 Kbps dial-up synchronous line can carry 7000 bytes per second (56000/8) compared to a 56 Kbps dial-up asynchronous line which can only carry 5600 bytes per second (56000/10). When transmitting large amounts of information, this translates into a significant increase in speed and performance. To see this work you can work out the efficiency rates and time that it takes to send each message Asynchronous would be worked out as follows To get the efficiency of it you get assuming the message is being send over a 100mb line and 70 bytes to send and 300 characters then it is 70*8 = 560 (the 8 is for the 8 bits to make up each byte) the 70*2 (the start and stop bit) =140 = 700 then to get 560*100/700= 80 that means that 80% efficient To get the time Asynchronous 300 *(1+7+1+1) =3000 take this and divide it by the size of the line in this case 100mb so that is then 3000/100=30 that means that it would take 30 seconds to send for synchronous efficiency Then 70*8= 560 then 4 bytes = 4*8 (the over head bits) = 32 560+32=592 560*100/592=94.5 then that's 94.5% efficient and for the time then it is just 300+4*8=2342/100=23.42 that's then 23.42 seconds this shows you which is faster and more efficient in each case