

What is the advantage of RF over IR?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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14y ago

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Because RF does not require line-of-sight.

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Q: What is the advantage of RF over IR?
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What is the main advantage of RF over infrared technology?

infrared is limited to (line of sight) communications.

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Compare IR to RF remote controls?

IR (infrared) remote controls are considered line of sight, meaning the remote has to "see" the device it is controlling. An RF remote is not because the signal has the strength to pass through some objects.

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No, TV remotes use IR light and/or RF transmitter.

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Honda Odyssey headphones for models made after the year 2003 work using Infrared (IR) technology. A beam of IR light, like the one that is used in your TV remote, is used to transmit audio signals. This has advantages over Radio Frequency (RF) headphones in sound quality and battery life. I lots my Honda Oddyssey headphones and ended up having to find replacements from which is the only reason I discovered the difference between IR and RF headphones.

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Wireless mice can use RF (Radio Frequency) or IR (Infra Red) technologies. IR requires line of sight to the mouse receiver, similar to a television remote control. RF is usually the preferred method, since it does not require line of sight. Hope that helps :)

What is an RF remote?

An RF remote is a remote control device that uses radio frequency (RF) signals to communicate with and control electronic devices. RF remotes do not require a direct line of sight to the device being controlled, unlike infrared (IR) remotes which do. They are commonly used in situations where the controlled device is not in the line of sight of the user.

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neutronelectromagnetic - IR, visible, UV, x-ray, gamma ray (sometimes RF)alphabeta

What is the code for your Bose lifestyle v10 remote to work on your Emerson flat screen tv model LC320EM8A?

SInce the Bose uses an RF (radio frequency) remote, and the TV is most likely IR (infra red), you will have to use the IR extenders that came in the box, plug into the IR port on the head, and point the emitter at the IR eye on the device that you are trying to control. This way, you use Bose RF to control the device and get a much better range, and let it convert the commands to IR which the other devices will understand.

What are the cheapest durable over the ear wireless headphones for watching tv?

I have wasted a lot of money this way. Have used both infrared and rf. Both have pros and cons. All are in or under the 120 dollar bracket. All are extreme disappointments. Some are Sony (rf), range is down to 10 feet as they age and they are less than 1 year old. With the IR, I get interference plus being limited to same room.

How do remote communicate with TV sets?

most remotes use infrared light (IR) more expensive remotes use radio frequency (RF) IR is shortrange and requires line of sight... think of it like a could bounce it off a mirror at the TV and it would get there, but if something is in the way the light gets blocked. RF is radio waves and can travel through walls and other operate devices in another room.

Advantages of RF communication over other types?

low cost