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Yes, it's possible to align tables next to each other using the float value of the style attribute. Give both tables the same float and a fixed width and they will appear next to each other if the browser window is wide enough.


<table style="float:left; width:100px;">

<tr><th>Table 1</th></tr>



<table style="float:left; width:100px;">

<tr><th>Table 2</th></tr>



This will create two tables of the width 100px next to each other.

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14y ago
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11y ago

<table> Opens table

<tbody> Attributes, not always necessary

<tr> Opens row

<td> Opens column

</td> Closes column

<td> Opens column

</td> Closes column

</tr> Closes row <-------END FIRST ROW-------->







</tbody> Closes

</table> Closes table

2 row, 2 column table

! row, 1 column = box. Add rows as necessary.

Add columns within rows as necessary.

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10y ago

The best way is to create one table with two cells on one row. Then in each of those cells you place a table. You can have all borders of the outer table hidden, leaving you to see two tables beside each other.

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15y ago

Tables are important for placing desired text or content in a specific area on the page. Without tables the HTML will be viewed as a list starting from the top down. Think of it as creating a grid on the page, and you can place content in each cell of that grid where desired.

The start tag for table is

the table is divided by by Rows and cells (columns) To start a row you use the tag within this TR tag the cells are placed by using the tags each start,and end tag will represent a cell, and you can add as many cells as you wish. When you want to end the row you use the tag. After you complete the number of rows you want you close the table with
the following example is for a simple table that consists of two rows that have two cell each>

this is the content in the first cell in the first rowThis is the content in the second cell first row
this is the content in the first cell in the second rowthis is the content in the second cell in the second row

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9y ago

You can create a new table by <table> tag. You can close that tag using </table> tag.

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You could make the table in an HTML editor and paste it here.

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Not if you're attempting to put a table together, no.

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You have to build the table in HTML, but to make scrollbars within the cells you must use JavaScript to manipulate the DOM. Neither HTML or CSS have a way to add scrollbars

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