it can be either, depending on parts used in the circuit and their connections.
a sequential circuit is an interconnection of combinational circuit and storage elements.The storage elements is called flip-flop,store binary information that indicates the sequentiol circuit at that time.
combinational circuit
hazards in combinational and sequential circuits
A circuit is a plan of exercises one does to get fit and a sequential circuit is a set of these one does one after the other, it is called circuit training.
Any circuit that converts binary information into machine readiable form is called sequential circuit
both combinational and sequential circuits have two inputs and outputs..!
combinational circuit and sequential circuit
Combinational chutiye
it can be either, depending on parts used in the circuit and their connections.
a sequential circuit is an interconnection of combinational circuit and storage elements.The storage elements is called flip-flop,store binary information that indicates the sequentiol circuit at that time.
designed a sequential circuit that will function as 2 bit-up down counter
In a combinational logic circuit, the output(s) depend only on the present values on the input, not on any previous values. In a sequential circuit, the output(s) also depend on the previous values. A sequential circuit must contain a memory element (at least one flip-flop) to hold the state of the circuit.
how to implement sequential circuit that counts up and down using 74393 IC
combinational circuit