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SQL has much to do with a researcher at IBM, Edgar F. (Ted) Codd, an Oxford-trained mathematician, who researched what was termed "the relational model" for data representation.

SQL, the standard that was later developed from Codd's work, provides a means of describing data with its natural structure only - that is, without superimposing any additional structure for machine representation purposes.

This means that SQL provides data independence from hardware and storage implementation, together with a high level, nonprocedural language for accessing and querying data.


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What is the full form of SQL in computer?

Structured Query Language

What is the difference between QBE and SQL?

Query by Example (QBE) is a database query language for relational databases. A QBE parser parses the search query and looks for the keywords. A more formal query string, in languages such as SQL, is then generated, which is finally executed. However, when compared with a formal query, the results in the QBE system will be more variable.SQL (Structured Query Language) SQL is a set-based, declarative query language, not an imperative language such as C or BASIC. However, there are extensions to Standard SQL which add procedural programming language functionality, such as control-of-flow constructs

What is a special language used to write computer programs?

SQL which stands for Structured Query Language The term you are looking for is programming language.

What is the purpose of SQLPLUS?

SQLPLUS, also written as SQL+ or SQL*Plus and pronounced "sequel plus" is a type of non-compiled (scripted) computer language that is used to write programs for accessing relational databases. The SQL acronym stands for "Simple Query Language" or "Structured Query Language" depending on who you ask. The original language developed by IBM was called SEQUEL (Structured English Query Language) but later changed to SQL due to the name SEQUEL being the trademark of another company. SQL+ is a variant of the original language developed by Oracle Corporation.

What is Object Query Language OQL?

OQL is a database query language(related to ODMG) that is based on SQL and supports the adding, retrieving, querying, and invocation of objects. OQL is a version of the Structured Query Language. A object query language that supports complex data types such as multimedia, spatial, compound documents, etc., that are stored as objects. Standard SQL queries can still be used, and the OQL server process converts the objects into relational views. Sanjay

Related questions

What is an example of a standard query language used in relational databases?

The standard query language for relational databases, as adopted by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), is SQL, which is generally understood to be an abbreviation for "structured query language."

What is the abbreviation of Htsql?

hypertext structured query language

What does SQL as in databases stand for?

Structured Query Language

What was the original name of SQL?

structured query language

What is SQL in computer talk?

Structured Query Language,

Which query language will use in MS Access to maintain database?

It uses a version of SQL. (Structured Query Language).

What is meant by sql?

sql stands for structured query language.

What is the full form of SQL in computer?

Structured Query Language

Examples of database Query?

The database we use is based on structured query language . To add or retrieve data from the database we use SQL . SQL is the structured query language that provides the syntax to add, modify, update or retrieve data from the database.

What does the acronym SQL stand for?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language as it refers to the type of database query or database server which accepts the query.

What is DDL in databases?

DDL stands for Data Definition Language, which is a set of commands used to define, alter, and drop database objects like tables, indexes, and views. DDL statements include commands like CREATE, ALTER, and DROP, and they are used to design the structure of the database and its schema.

What is sql and plsql?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language, and is a computer language designed for writing data manipulation or data management statements against a relational database. PL/SQL stands for Procedural Language/Structured Query Language which is Oracle's proprietary procedural extensions to the SQL language.