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Q: What is statement list in programming?
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No Return statement in VB programming

Why goto is not a good structured programming style?

goto is a statement, not a programming style.

Why are statement list necessary in plc programs?

Statement list programming is not necessary. There are other languages. But STL is very easy to use and can be written in multiple or single step. It can be powerfull meaning complex or simple Parallel or multitasking can be done. It is more easier to use than LDR and easier to understand.

What programming statement did Edsger Dijkstra want to eliminate?

He considered the "goto" statement to be harmful.

How the program statement and code are related?

A statement in your program is part of the code. In a low-level programming language, a statement will map directly to a single CPU instruction. In a high-level programming language, a statement is the smallest element of the language's syntax.

What is else if in C programming language?

Statements. Typical usage: if (<condition>) <statement>; else <statement>;

What is a select case statement used for in programming?

In programming, select case statement is a way to test the inside of a variable. It is used when one knows there is a limited number of things that can be in the variable.

What translates a programming language statement line by line?

A compiler

What is if-statement in c programming language?

One of the statements, obviously.

What statement about selecting the right programming language for a project is false?

Programming languages require the same amount of time to excute.

What programming languages use a C switch statement?

There are two programming languages which use a C switch statement. The two languages are C and C++, hence the name C switch statement. There may be more, but those are the most obvious ones

How does the compiler differentiate the statement and function in C programming?

statement should not return a value but function returns a value