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Q: What is standard compressive strength of mud bricks?
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Related questions

What were the method of construction of the ziggurat?

Ziggurats were typically built using sun-dried bricks made from mud and clay. They were constructed in steps or terraces, with a core of mud bricks and an outer layer of baked bricks for added strength. The layers were then covered in a plaster made from mud and straw.

What is bricks made of mud?

Adobe bricks are made with mud.

How are mud bricks made?

with mud

What were Egyptian pyramids made with?

They were made with mud bricks. The mud bricks were really mud put into a shape of a brick and then dryed out.

What did the summarians use to build there houses?

The Sumerians used mud bricks to build their houses. These bricks were made by mixing mud, water, and straw, and then drying them in the sun. The bricks were then stacked and bound together with mud mortar to construct their homes.

Why are mud buildings not suitable for earthquakes?

Mud buildings are not suitable for earthquakes because they tend to shake apart at the seams due to their loose construction. Normal sun dried mud bricks do not have the strength of clay or concrete.

What did Mesopotamian build their houses out of?

they used mud bricks to build houses

What are mud bricks used for building called?

Adobe Bricks

Brick made with mud and straw?

no.... mud bricks were made of mud

What materials were used build the mission San Luis?

adobe bricks, mud

What did the Mesopotamian build with?

sun dried bricks

What is made out of mud and water?
