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single line comment are comment written in single c there are two types of comment single line and multiple line.single line comment is written using // and multiple line comment is written between /*comment*/.compiler does not compile is used for better understanding of program.

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Q: What is single line comments as used in C programming?
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Why are double quotes used in C programming?

In C programming, double quotes are used to indicate String literal. char *s = "Hello World"; Where as single quotes are used to indicate a single character. char x = 'a';

A new programmer whom you are training is writing a C program and wants to place comment lines in the program what characters should be used at the beginning and end of the comments?

if single line comment just place // before for single line comment else if multiple line denote as like this /*............................. ..............................*/ Strictly speaking, // is non.standard in C only in C++

Explain different types of comment line in JAVA?

// The first type of comment is the single-line comment. // The single-line comment is denoted by a double slash. /* The next type of comment begins with a slash-asterisk, and ends with an asterisk-slash. It is often called a multi-line comment because it can span multiple lines with only one start indicator (/*) and one ending indicator (*/) */ /** * The last type of comment is the Javadoc comment. This * comment type has some guidelines that allows a Javadoc * reader to display information about a Java method or class * by using special tags: * * @param myNum - describe what the parameter myNum is used for * @return - describe what this method returns */ public static int doStuff(int myNum){}

What are the symbols used to write comments?

In C++ we use // to begin a comment. A comment can begin anywhere on a line, even after a code statement, and will extend to the end of the line until a newline character is encounter. Multiple lines of comments must each begin with //. We can also use C-style comments, which begin with /* and end with */. These comments can extend across multiple lines, or can be used to comment out code within a statement.

What character is used to begin a comment?

This is different in different programming languages. Some character groups used in various languages to start a comment are: //, ;, !, /*, --, #, ', {, <!--, {-, etc. Some languages also require a character group to end a comment. Some older languages did not use character groups to mark comments but required them to appear in a certain place on every program line. There are endless variations in how commenting is done in computer programming languages.

Related questions

Why are double quotes used in C programming?

In C programming, double quotes are used to indicate String literal. char *s = "Hello World"; Where as single quotes are used to indicate a single character. char x = 'a';

A new programmer whom you are training is writing a C program and wants to place comment lines in the program what characters should be used at the beginning and end of the comments?

if single line comment just place // before for single line comment else if multiple line denote as like this /*............................. ..............................*/ Strictly speaking, // is non.standard in C only in C++

Why wont your shirt and 2 give you a pound sign?

The pound sign (#) is typically used in coding to indicate line- or block comments. In some programming languages, the combination of shirt and 2 may not produce a pound sign because the specific syntax used for comments varies across languages. It's best to refer to the language's documentation for the correct way to include a pound sign in the code.

Why you use a comment in programming?

comments are used in programs to make the program more user friendly. The comment lines will not effect the execution speed of the program.

Explain different types of comment line in JAVA?

// The first type of comment is the single-line comment. // The single-line comment is denoted by a double slash. /* The next type of comment begins with a slash-asterisk, and ends with an asterisk-slash. It is often called a multi-line comment because it can span multiple lines with only one start indicator (/*) and one ending indicator (*/) */ /** * The last type of comment is the Javadoc comment. This * comment type has some guidelines that allows a Javadoc * reader to display information about a Java method or class * by using special tags: * * @param myNum - describe what the parameter myNum is used for * @return - describe what this method returns */ public static int doStuff(int myNum){}

What are the symbols used to write comments?

In C++ we use // to begin a comment. A comment can begin anywhere on a line, even after a code statement, and will extend to the end of the line until a newline character is encounter. Multiple lines of comments must each begin with //. We can also use C-style comments, which begin with /* and end with */. These comments can extend across multiple lines, or can be used to comment out code within a statement.

What character is used to begin a comment?

This is different in different programming languages. Some character groups used in various languages to start a comment are: //, ;, !, /*, --, #, ', {, <!--, {-, etc. Some languages also require a character group to end a comment. Some older languages did not use character groups to mark comments but required them to appear in a certain place on every program line. There are endless variations in how commenting is done in computer programming languages.

What are coments made out of?

Comments in programming are made out of text characters that are not interpreted by the compiler or runtime. They are used to document the code, provide explanations, or temporarily disable code without affecting the program's functionality. Comments are typically ignored by the compiler or interpreter when the code is executed.

What are the two types of comments in c programming language and how do they differ?

C uses two types of comment: single-line and multi-line. The multi-line comment originated in C while the single-line comment originated in C++. Both types are supported by both languages today. A single-line comment begins with the double-slash token (//) and extends to the end of the line. A multi-line comment begins with the slash-asterisk token (/*) and ends with the asterisk-slash token (*/). Examples: int x; // this is a single-line comment /* this is multi-line comment, typically used to introduce a function or class */ Note that since multi-line comments are fully-delimited, they may be used within the middle of a line of code. This is most useful when a function is forward-declared with a default value for one of its arguments and you wish to include that default value in the function definition (something which is not permitted under the one-definition rule): void f (int = 0); // declaration void f (int x /* = 0 */) { // definition } Such usage is really only of use to the function maintainer, as a reminder that the function has a default value. We can also use this technique when a function has an argument that is reserved for future use, but is otherwise unused in the current version of the function: void g (int); // declaration void g (int /* unused */) { // definition } Again, such usage is only of use to the function maintainer.

What are the differences between textfield and textarea?

A textfield is a single-line input field, whereas a textarea is a multi-line input field. Textareas are typically used for longer text inputs like comments or descriptions, while textfields are used for shorter inputs like names or email addresses. Textareas can be resized by the user, while textfields are fixed in size.

What is single line comment?

single line comment are comment written in single c there are two types of comment single line and multiple line.single line comment is written using // and multiple line comment is written between /*comment*/.compiler does not compile is used for better understanding of program.

What are HTML comments?

Comments are used to give extra information to the person writing or updating the HTML, usually explaining what a piece of code does, or identifying a significant point in the document. Comments are not displayed on the webpage itself. They are only within the code. They are ignored by the browser. The concept of using comments comes from programming. Comments can also do other things, like get a piece of code to be ignored temporarily so that testing to see if there is a problem can be done. A comment is started by putting this <!-- and is finished by putting this --> with the comments in between them like this: <!-- This will be ignored by the browser-->