

What is responding valuable?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Do you mean "responding variable"?

In a scientific investigation, you try to change only one thing to see what happens. The thing you change is the manipulated variable (also called the independent variable). The result of this change is the responding variable (also called the dependent variable). For example, what if you measure the temperature of a beaker of water, then put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then measure again. The change in the temperature from the room to the fridge is the manipulated variable (you controlled it). Any change in the water temperature is the responding variable. It responded to the change you made.

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"Responding" is an adjective that describes the variable. In the context of scientific research, a responding variable is the one that is observed and measured in response to changes in the independent variable.

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. . . of responding to stimuli.

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Both "I appreciate you responding to my letter" and "I appreciate your responding to my letter" are correct. The first sentence uses "you" as the direct object of the verb "appreciate," while the second sentence uses "your" to indicate possession of the gerund "responding." Ultimately, both versions are grammatically acceptable.

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The purpose is to obtain sure, repetable and valuable experimental data.

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The word 'responding' is a noun form, a gerund, the present participle of the verb to respond that functions as a noun.The noun forms of the verb to respond are responder, response, and the gerund, responding.

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The term for responding to a stimulus is called a reaction or a response.

On which axis of a graph do you show to responding variable?

The responding variable is presented on the vertical axis.

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Another name for responding variable is dependent variable.

What is another name for responding variable?

Another name for responding variable is dependent variable.

What is the role of responding variable in a controlled experiment?

it is basically asking what the definition of responding variable is and the book says, The variable that changes because of the manipulated variable is the responding variable.

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.Catholic AnswerMother Teresa was responding to God, the love of her entire life.

Is a responding variable the same as a dependent variable?

yes it is... the responding variable responds to the independent variable....