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In computer programming, a loop is a series of instructions given and carried out continuously until a condition is made or an error is found. Both of these possibilities come to the same result, termination of the loop unless the program is specified to run for an infinite amount of time.


#include int main() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf ("Hello\n"); printf ("World\n"); } return 0; }

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With loops, your program is slower.

How do you loop a program in python?

An infinite loop might look something like: while 1==1: print("Infinite loop") as 1 is ALWAYS equal to 1.

Which company has its headquarters at One Infinite Loop?

Apple Computers in Cupertino, California. The name, of course, is a pun on the use of "loop" to describe a circular road and a part of a computer program that is repeated; an infinite loop is a loop that's executed endlessly due to an error in the program's logic such that an end condition never occurs.

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Nesting is the process of organizing information in layers. For an example, a loop in a program can contain another loop which can contain yet another loop. This is called nested loops.