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In a concurrent force system, all forces pass through a common point. In the previous case involving the application of two forces to a body, it was necessary for them to be colinear, opposite in direction, and equal in magnitude for the body to be in equilibrium. If three forces are applied to a body, as shown in the figure, they must pass through a common point (O), or else the condition, SMo= 0, will not be satisfied and the body will rotate because of unbalanced moment. Moreover, the magnitudes of the forces must be such that the force equilibrium equations,

SFx= 0, SFy= 0, are satisfied.

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Q: What is non concurrent force system?
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How do you classify the force system?

Force systems can be classified as concurrent, parallel, or non-concurrent. Concurrent force systems have all forces intersecting at a common point. Parallel force systems have forces acting in the same direction. Non-concurrent force systems have forces that do not meet at a common point.

What are various types of force system?

Coplanar Force ,collinear force &concurrent force

What is non concurrent force?

Forces that do not have a common point of intersection.

What is a non concurrent force?

Non concurrent forces are those forces that do not have a common point of intersection and act along different lines of action.

Are the collinear vectors and parallel vectors the same?

Collinear forces are concurrent system type of forces, whereas parallel vector forces cannot be concurrent system type of force but they can be coplanar nonconcurrent system type of force

What is the different between concurrent and non concurret force?

Concurrent forces are forces that share a common point of intersection, causing them to act through a single point. Non-concurrent forces do not share a common point of intersection and their lines of action do not meet at a single point.

What are the Example of non-concurrent force?

An example of non-concurrent forces would be a book resting on a table where the weight of the book is acting vertically downward and the normal force from the table is acting vertically upward in the opposite direction. Another example is a car driving on a curved road where the centripetal force required for circular motion is acting horizontally inward, while the frictional force between the tires and the road is acting horizontally outward.

How many different types of forces are there?

If you are referring to the fundamental forces of nature; there are four, being: -Electromagnetism; this is the force responsible for all things involving magnets and electricity. -Gravity; this is the force that causes objects with mass (more correctly energy) to attract each other. It causes things to fall down and is probably the force most people are most familiar with. The last two forces are not generally known because their influences usually are only felt in the world of small things such as atoms, and their influences are only rarely seen in the every day world. -Weak nuclear force; this force governs certain interactions of sub-atomic particles and in particular it is responsible for radioactive decay. -Strong nuclear force; this force works on only a few types of particles; particles which have a color charge. It is, for example, responsible for binding the protons and neutrons together inside an atomic nucleus. Without this force the nucleus would be pushed apart because the protons repel each other electromagnetically.

What is the magnitude of resultant force in case of concurrent force in equilibrium?

The magnitude of the resultant force in the case of the concurrent forces in equilibrium.

What are non concurrent lines and points?

In geometry, two or more lines are said to be concurrent if they intersect at a single point. If they do not intersect at the single point they are non concurrent.

What is concurrent forces in space?

When all the forces of a force system act in one plane it is called coplanar force system. If the forces act in more than one plane then it is forces in space. In this case forces are not contained in one plane. When all the forces of a system pass through a common point they are called concurrent forces. Thus we have concurrent coplanar forces when all forces are in one plane and pass through a common point. Also when forces in space pass through a common point we have concurrent forces in space.

Which type of force system will form when turn the key?

Co-planer force system but not concurrent. When we turn the key the point of application of two forces are applied at top and bottom of the key. These two forces are opposite to each other. The forces not acting at a same point so it's not concurrent. --------- By Narmanu