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It's in essence (from a very high-level view), when a node is attacked and then "captured". So first we need to define "node". A node can be like your laptop, a switch at the ISP (CenturyLink, etc.), a router, etc.

Think of it like streets. The car (data), drives along through an intersection (a node), and keeps driving along until it makes it to wherever it's headed (say your computer. Well let's say your tired of always having red lights at a certain intersection, so one day you decide that you take over the "light control box". Traffic is still going through, but you control it. We could even say that the "light control box" is connected to the "traffic camera" box. So now, aside from controlling the cars (data/packets), you can also capture their license plates, and in essence "capture the packet". Now that you can control the traffic, and you know what cars drive through when and from where, and how often, you decide to do some "post-exploitation attacks". You decide that you'll redirect traffic from the highway to the one way street (flood attack), or hijack cars, switch license plates, etc.

Poor example, but hopefully that helps some.

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Mitigation of control channel jamming under node capture attacks?

i need a detail report of this projrct please help me

Write an iterative function to search an element in a binary search tree?

_node* search (_node* head, _key key) { _node* node; for (node=head; node != NULL;;) { if (key == node->key) return node; else if (key < node.>key) node = node->left; else node = node->right; } return node; }

Algoritm for deleting the last element from a list?

Given a list and a node to delete, use the following algorithm: // Are we deleting the head node? if (node == list.head) { // Yes -- assign its next node as the new head list.head = } else // The node is not the head node { // Point to the head node prev = list.head // Traverse the list to locate the node that comes immediately before the one we want to delete while ( != node) { prev =; } end while // Assign the node's next node to the previous node's next node =; } end if // Before deleting the node, reset its next node = null; // Now delete the node. delete node;

Is null node equal to leaf node?

No. A leaf node is a node that has no child nodes. A null node is a node pointer that points to the null address (address zero). Since a leaf node has no children, its child nodes are null nodes.

How many pointers will have to be changed if a node is deleted from a linear linked list?

For a singly-linked list, only one pointer must be changed. If the node about to be deleted (let's call it node for the sake of argument) is the head of the list, then the head node pointer must be changed to node->next. Otherwise, the node that comes before the deleted node must change its next pointer to node->next. Note that given a singly-linked node has no knowledge of its previous node, we must traverse the list from the head in order to locate that particular node, unless the node is the head of the list: void remove (List* list, Node* node) { if (!list !node) return; // sanity check!if (list->head == node) {list->head = node->next;} else {Node* prev = list->head;while (prev->next != node) prev = prev->next; // locate the node's previous nodeprev->next = node->next;}} Note that the remove function only removes the node from the list, it does not delete it. This allows us to restore the node to its original position, because the node itself was never modified (and thus still refers to its next node in the list). So long as we restore all removed nodes in the reverse order they were removed, we can easily restore the list. In order to delete a node completely, we simply remove it and then free it:void delete (List* list, Node* node) {if (!list !node) return; // sanity check!remove (list, node);free (node);} For a doubly-linked list, either two or four pointers must be changed. If the node about to be deleted is the head node, then the head node pointer must be changed to n->next and n->next->prev must be changed to NULL, otherwise, n->prev->next becomes n->next. In addition, if the node about to be deleted is the tail node, then the tail node pointer must be changed to n->prev and n->prev->next must be changed to NULL, otherwise, n->next->prev becomes n->prev. Deletion from a doubly-linked list is generally quicker than deletion from a singly linked list because a node in a doubly-linked list knows both its previous node and its next node, so there's no need to traverse the list to locate the previous node to the one being deleted. void remove (List* list, Node* node) {if (!list !node) return; // sanity check!if (list->head == node) {list->head = node->next;node->next->prev = NULL;} else {node->prev->next = node->next; }if (list->tail == node) {list->tail = node->prev;node->prev->next = NULL;} else {node->next->prev = node->prev; }} Again, to physically delete the node we simply remove and then free the node:void delete (List* list, Node* node) {if (!list !node) return; // sanity check!remove (list, node); free (node); }

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