Because he needed to use the bathroom.
he was too fat too walk up stairs and needed an easier way to do it
what did Obama invent
Roberts helped to invent the microwave, but did not invent it by himself.
because of inportance
they needed to
Because they needed heat and people get bored so they invent items that make popcorn
Questions needed a place to be answered
The internal combustion engine.
they invented maths because the needed to some how figure out the ways of life. they invented the alphabet because the needed to send messages to each other.
because the people needed a upgrade
because he needed to learn
Because he needed to use the bathroom.
The roman empire dedided that they needed a number system
No, the Greeks did not invent the train. They knew of steam power, but lacked the advanced technology and the materials know-how needed to come up with a train.
because they felt like someone needed more technology
he is a crazy person he needed help but never got any