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it is the response of a system with respect to the input as a function of time

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9y ago

Transient analysis is a kind of analysis that can change over time. Steady is the opposite of transient thatâ??s why when something is transient, meaning it can change anytime.

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What is an AC Transient response?

ac transient analysis is frequency domain analysis.

Is thevenin's theorem applicable in transient analysis or it should be used only for steadystate analysis?

Yes it is applicable in both. With transient analysis, it is standard to use thevenin or norton equivalents to minimize the circuit before calculating the transient response.

Types of analysis?

1)ac analysis 2)dc analysis 3)transient analysis

What is transient response in circuit analysis?

transient response is due to exponential behaviour and its die with time,its not permanent.

What are applications of transient analysis?

Transient analysis is used in various engineering applications to study and understand the behavior of dynamic systems. Some common applications include analyzing the response of electrical circuits to transient signals, studying the thermal behavior of structures during temperature changes, and evaluating the performance of control systems during transient events.

What are the applications of Y-parameters?

1.transient analysis 2.discrete time analysis 3.hybrid pi model 4.location of poles

What is meaning for transient in RLC series circuit?

In circuit analysis, there is steady state and transient conditions. transient conditions are how the circuit acts immediately following some action (such as turning on power, closing a switch, losing power, etc.). Steady state conditions is everything else.

How long can a capacitor hold a charge for?

Depends upon the capacitance. The time of holding charge can analyse by transient analysis.

What has the author V C Gallardo written?

V. C Gallardo has written: '[Blade loss transient dynamics analysis'

What is meant by dominant pole in control systems?

The slowest poles of a system (those closest to the imaginary axis in the s-plane) give rise to the longest lasting terms in the transient response of the system. if a pole or set of poles are very slow compared to others in the transfer function, then they may dominate the transient response. If we plot the transient response of the system without accounting for the transient response of the fastest poles, we may find little difference from the transient response of the original system.

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it is what u meant by your self.

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