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Q: What is meant by peak point voltage of ujt?
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How does a ujt relaxation oscillator work?

The operation of the circuit is as follows: C1 charges through R1 until the voltage across it reaches the peak point. The emitter current then rises rapidly, discharging C1 through the base 1 region and R3. The sudden rise of current through R3 produces the voltage pulse. When the current falls to IV the UJT switches off and the cycle is repeated.

Draw and explain the UJT characteristics?

The Unijunction emitter current vs voltage characteristic curve figure(a) shows that as VE increases, current IE increases up IP at the peak point. Beyond the peak point, current increases as voltage decreases in the negative resistance region. The voltage reaches a minimum at the valley point. The resistance of RB1, the saturation resistance is lowest at the valley point.Ip and Iv, are datasheet parameters; For a 2n2647, IPpand IVvare 2µA and 4mA, respectively. Vp is the voltage drop across RB1 plus a 0.7V diode drop; see Figure (b). Vv is estimated to be approximately 10% of VBB.

Difference between bjt and ujt?

UJT is the voltage controlled which only one mejority carriers are responsible for current flowing. UJT is one junction transistor and it is three terminal emitter and two base. BJT is the current controlled device. in which both mejority and minority carrier are responsiblefor current flowing. this type of transistor consists of two junction and three terminal these are : emitter , base , collector.

Operation of UJT and block diagram?

Explaine operation of UJT .

How to genrate sawtooth wave by using ujt?

by connecting the ujt with proper biasing resistors

Related questions

Is a UJT a voltage controlled or current controlled device?

voltageCurrent between the two bases of the UJT sets up a voltage gradient in the semiconductor. When the voltage on the emitter of the UJT rises high enough to forward bias the emitter-base junction at the voltage of the interbase gradient where the emitter is located, the UJT "turns on".

Why UJT's equivalent circuit has a diode?

A UJT is a special type of diode with a long resistive base having 2 contacts and acting as a voltage divider. The diode junction is created at a point on this base selected to set the trigger voltage of the UJT at which it will conduct. Therefore the equivalent circuit has a diode because the actual circuit has a diode.

How does a ujt relaxation oscillator work?

The operation of the circuit is as follows: C1 charges through R1 until the voltage across it reaches the peak point. The emitter current then rises rapidly, discharging C1 through the base 1 region and R3. The sudden rise of current through R3 produces the voltage pulse. When the current falls to IV the UJT switches off and the cycle is repeated.

Draw and explain the UJT characteristics?

The Unijunction emitter current vs voltage characteristic curve figure(a) shows that as VE increases, current IE increases up IP at the peak point. Beyond the peak point, current increases as voltage decreases in the negative resistance region. The voltage reaches a minimum at the valley point. The resistance of RB1, the saturation resistance is lowest at the valley point.Ip and Iv, are datasheet parameters; For a 2n2647, IPpand IVvare 2µA and 4mA, respectively. Vp is the voltage drop across RB1 plus a 0.7V diode drop; see Figure (b). Vv is estimated to be approximately 10% of VBB.

Characteristiccs of UJT?

The characteristics of a UJT are: stable triggering voltage, negative resistance, high pulse current capability and low value of triggering current.

Draw the equivalent circuit of UJT?

we can draw an equivalent circuit for UJT USING a DIODE and two resistors.draw a diode in emitter lead ..draw the two resistors in series.As rb1 in base 1 lead ..and rb2 in base 2 lead ..draw rb1 as variable resistor.And put a voltage to the ujt in order to get a positive voltage in base two lead.

Difference between bjt and ujt?

UJT is the voltage controlled which only one mejority carriers are responsible for current flowing. UJT is one junction transistor and it is three terminal emitter and two base. BJT is the current controlled device. in which both mejority and minority carrier are responsiblefor current flowing. this type of transistor consists of two junction and three terminal these are : emitter , base , collector.

Can UJT replace BJT?

No. A unijunction transistor (UJT) is entirely different in design and application than a bipolar junction transistor (BJT). The UJT works on the principle of voltage modulation of the effective substrate resistance, while the BJT works on the principle of current amplification from one junction to the other, usually base-emitter to collector-emitter.

Why ujt used as an oscillator?

why ujt used as amplifier

Operation of UJT and block diagram?

Explaine operation of UJT .

Why name of the device is UJT?

UJT means Uni Junction transistor terminals are Emitter,Base1 and Base2.UJT is also called double base diode.UJT operates when the emitter is forward biased.voltage is applied between base1 and base2.If an external voltage is applied at terminal E,no current will flow in to the emitter as long as this applied voltage is less than emitter voltage.When this applied voltage exceeds emitter voltage,current will flow into the emitter and holes get injected from emitter to base1 and are repelled by base2.This results in increase in the region between the junction and the base 1.The increase in conductivity results drop in emitter voltage and increased forward bias of the emitter current also increases.Then it exhibits a negative resistance.

What is the difference between fet and ujt?

FET (Field-Effect Transistor) and UJT (Unijunction Transistor) are both types of transistors but operate differently. FET is a voltage-controlled device, while UJT is a current-controlled device. FETs are commonly used in amplifiers, while UJTs are often utilized in oscillators and timing circuits.