It means that there is mass production of some type of object.
Mass production is a good way to lower costs of manufacturing process.
A manufacturing plant basically manufactures a chemical on a mass scale however a pilot plant helps to develop the process on a small scale, before a manufacturing plant is built.
Manufacturing design. where the IP is owned by the Brand owner. Design For manufacturing. where the design is owned by the Manufacturer or ODM
mass-production mass-production
It means that there is mass production of some type of object.
Mass production is a good way to lower costs of manufacturing process.
Mass production is the term for large-scale product manufacturing usually done by machinery.
A manufacturing plant basically manufactures a chemical on a mass scale however a pilot plant helps to develop the process on a small scale, before a manufacturing plant is built.
I think it was in the manufacturing of Arms and Electricity.
Sharkskin was originally used as Sandpaper. When modern manufacturing techniques came, sandpaper was mass produced.
Such a term is commonly known as mass production.
The first toothpick-manufacturing machine was patented in 1872, by Silas Noble and J. P. Cooley
Henry Ford popularized the use of the automobile, and also the use of mass production as a manufacturing technique.