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The programs written in Machine codes (like hexadecimal codes) are the Low level programs. These are understood only by the Microprocessor they are written for and written on.

Whereas the High level programs are written in English like languages which are human redable.

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They is machine code and Assembly.

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low level language is the machine language, that is also called the object code, object code is only understandable by the machine or system but not understandable by the humans

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Q: What is low level programing languages?
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Why Low level languages are called Low level?

It's a "low level" language because it works at the machine level, while higher level languages are built on top of it.

How many scripting languages are there?

Three type of languages High level Mid level Low level

What are the example of low level programing language?

The "machine language" and "assembly language" for each CPU architecture are the lowest-level programming languages. The "Forth language" and the "C programming language" are perhaps the most popular non-CPU-specific low-level programming languages. They were once considered high-level programming languages, and certainly they are at a higher level than assembly language, but now they are considered low-level programming languages when compared to the much higher-level languages available today (Python, Java, C++, etc). Low-level programming languages provide little or no abstraction from the CPU's instruction set architecture; typically they interact with the hardware directly.

What is the difference between high level and low level programming?

High level languages are easier for humans to read and program in. They are usually machine independent, and most have a wide variety of programming libraries available for common functions. Low level languages are usually machine specific, such as assembly languages. They lack programming libraries.

Disadvantages of high level languages?

I takes a big knowledge about that compiler. The programmer should be well educated person to do with this language.

Related questions

What is the classifications of programming languages?

There are only 2 types of language - 1. High level:- All language which we are using comes in this category. 2. Low level:- This are the language which is used for system programing.

Why Low level languages are called Low level?

It's a "low level" language because it works at the machine level, while higher level languages are built on top of it.

3 programing languages?


What is the level of assembly language?

Assembly languages are low level languages, sometimes also called machine-level languages.

Why you need programing languages?

Programming languages are used to code a program.

How many scripting languages are there?

Three type of languages High level Mid level Low level

What are low-level languages?

Low-level languages are one of two major types of programming languages. They are more similar to machine language, which is the language that computers understand directly; as opposed to high-level languages which are similar to English as humans speak.

Why you need C programming?

C- Programing is basically a programing language of a computer. It helps to create software programing language which is usefull in creating softwares & data base programes. C programing language is the first & basic programing language. Other programing languages are:- C, C++ & C# (latest).

What are the classifications of programming languages according to each level?

high level and low level

Generation of low level programming languages?


How many level computer languages?

Languages are usually classified at two levels, low level programming and high level programming, although some experts also make a distinction of very high level languages and very low level languages. So, depending on who you ask, there are either two, three, or four. The most common set is probably three: low, high, and very high.

What are the example of low level programing language?

The "machine language" and "assembly language" for each CPU architecture are the lowest-level programming languages. The "Forth language" and the "C programming language" are perhaps the most popular non-CPU-specific low-level programming languages. They were once considered high-level programming languages, and certainly they are at a higher level than assembly language, but now they are considered low-level programming languages when compared to the much higher-level languages available today (Python, Java, C++, etc). Low-level programming languages provide little or no abstraction from the CPU's instruction set architecture; typically they interact with the hardware directly.