Swing is considered light weight because it is fully implemented in Java, without calling the native operating system for drawing the graphical user interface components
Well, the Container extends Component, so ALL containers in Java are components. This includes classes like Panel, ScrollPane, Window, and JComponent. Plus all the various generations of subclasses of each of those containers.
Java Supports International programming so java supports Unicode
Java is an island in the chain called Indonesia, so people who live on this island are called " Indonesians"
Yes, it is possible to write a keylogger in Java, but you would need to use the Java Native Interface to do so.
Java does not support opperator overloading, so the answer to your question is: none.
Java became widely popular because of the light and compact applications it can produce.
Well, the Container extends Component, so ALL containers in Java are components. This includes classes like Panel, ScrollPane, Window, and JComponent. Plus all the various generations of subclasses of each of those containers.
Small engine, light weight vehicle.Small engine, light weight vehicle.
Java Supports International programming so java supports Unicode
Answer: JVM is nothing but java virtual machine,it is a software used to convert the bytecode(highly optimizes set of instructions) to machine code. so, now applet is a small java program run by a web browser.thus now we can understand for what JVM is used or mean in applets.Answer: In other words, JVM (Java virtual machine) is simply the component used to run software written in the Java language.
zinc oxide
I would say that we can't weight light because whether heavy or light. if we weight any substance,if we pass light on that object the mass of that object will be constant so we cant measure light
She is so light and skinny.She only weight 96-98lbs.
they are light weight and have wings.
When there is a component on the engine that is malfunctioning the warning light will turn on. The code should be assessed for what needs to be replaced so the light can the be reset.
Light itself does not have weight because it consists of massless particles called photons. However, when light interacts with matter, like hitting a surface, it can exert pressure that has an impact.
Java is an island in the chain called Indonesia, so people who live on this island are called " Indonesians"