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Zin=Vds/Id [Vds=drain to source voltage ; Id = drain current]

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Q: What is input impedance of fet amplifier?
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Why FET is an excellent buffer amplifier?

FET is an excellent buffer amplifier because it has an high input impedance by which when we are connecting two networks for transferring out put of one stage to another stage all the power is drown on the second network not on first network.if first stage network has an low input impedance then first circuit drown all power from second circuit.

Input impedance of current shunt feedback amplifier?

The input impedance of a current shunt feedback amplifier is the open loop impedance of the amplifier divided by 1+(A*beta)

Input impedance of voltage amplifier?

In audio the input impedance of an amplifier is between 10 kiloohms and 20 kiloohms.

Compared to bipolars FETs have-a high input impedance b low input impedance c same input impedance?

FET s have very high input impedance when compared with Bipolar transistors.

What are the main differences between FETs and BJTs in terms of input impedance?

FET has very high input impedanceBJT has very low input impedance

In a multistage amplifier input impedance is high and output impedance is low justify the statement?

no. input impedance is low & output impedance is high

What are the Advantage of mosfet over fet?

MOSFET has high input impedance and offer input signal isolation from the circuit

Why the voltage gain of an FET amplifier is generally less than that obtained using BJT amplifier?

A FET (Field Effect Transistor) is mainly used when the input signal needs to be isolated from the output. A FET has a very high input resistance, so very little current is required from the input. Voltage gain is not the main objective when using a FET.

What are the applications of jfet transistor?

The Junction Field Effect Transistor (JFET)exhibits characteristics which often make it more suited to a particular application than the bipolar transistor. Some of these applications are: - High Input Impedance Amplifier - Low-Noise Amplifier - Differential Amplifier - Constant Current Source - Analogue Switch or Gate - Voltage Controlled Resistor

What are the applications of fixed bias amplifier circuit?

low input impedance

Why a high input impedance?

A circuit (an amplifier) typically has a high input impedance so that it does not unduly load the input circuit. Any such load could cause distortion, and that is generally not desired.

What type of transformer configuration will you select to design a high input impedance and low output impedance amplifier?

main volage