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Q: What is information that is processed by the computer and transmitted to a monitor or printer called?
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What is the use of a monitor?

A monitor is used to display the screen you are using. It is a piece of equipment that translates information processed by the computer into a form that we can understand.

What is use of a monitor?

A monitor is used to display the screen you are using. It is a piece of equipment that translates information processed by the computer into a form that we can understand.

What is a monitors use?

A monitor is used to display the screen you are using. It is a piece of equipment that translates information processed by the computer into a form that we can understand.

Computer monitor function?

The function of a computer monitor is to display the results of processed data from the CPU. Touch screen monitors are both input and output devices.

How can information be extracted once it has been processed?

After the information has been processed, it can be listened to through speakers or a headset, printed onto paper, or displayed on a monitor.

How do you put the word disc in a sentence?

I inserted the computer disk into the monitor and waited as the computer processed and loaded it.hope that works for you (:

Does a computer monitor produce a digital or analog picture?

It depends on your monitor. The big old CRT monitors are analog. The computer sends digital information to the monitor but it then gets turned into analog so the monitor can display that information. The LCD monitors are digital. The computer sends digital information to the monitor which it can display because it is digital.

How do you activate a computer monitor from your computer?

well if you mean to add a monitor it should be in ur monitor settings if not go to microsoft<<or whatever computer you have>> sight and look for information

How is information seen on a computer monitor?


What is bluescreen on the computer?

A bluescreen is typically the state of the TV/Monitor in the on state but in which no signal is being transmitted to the screen.

What is the function or the monitor?

Peripheral devices like monitors are intended to assist the user in interacting with the computer system. Displays (monitors, projectors, televisions, etc) are used to display a visual output of the information being manipulated and processed by the computer.

What is the function of monitor?

The function of a monitor is to provide a visual display of the data that is in the computer. The monitor provides a way to select options that are available on the computer.