The water gathered and enclosed by dam or the process and state of that.
Bureau of the budget gave the president the power of impoundment in 1921.
The United States federal law that controls the Congress role in the budget process is the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974. The Act removed the impoundment power of the president.
checks and balances
presidents refusal to spend money
When a president refuses to spend money that Congress appropriates, ii is called impoundment of funds. This was a power that that was first exercised by the U.S. President Thomas Jefferson in 1801. In 1974, the Impoundment Control Act was enacted to limit this power of presidents.
if your name is on the car then its your problem.
Confinement, captivity, custody restraint, servitude, slavery, imprisonment, impoundment...
Congressional Budget Office
Confinement, custody, imprisonment, impoundment, jail, or incarceration.