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Q: What is function of brack in c language?
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What is the differnce between ordinary function and template function of c language?

The c language does not have template functions. That is a c++ thing.

Call by function in c language?

I guess you meant the following:'In C language, when you call a function,the parameters are passed by-value.'

What are the library function in c language?

libray in c++

When was Robert C. Brack born?

Robert C. Brack was born in 1953.

What are the hearing rods for identifier 'c' language?

The hearing rods for identifier "c" language is the function.

Why Clearscreen in c language is used?

'Clearscreen' is not used in C language. TurboC has a clrscr function (prototype in conio.h).

Is combination a library function in c language of programming?


Can you write any c prigramme in c language witthout any function?

No. At minimum, you need to provide a main() function.

Why you use 'integer' before function in C language?

To specify the return-type of the function.

What function is used to perform exponentiation in C language?

You can use the pow() function in math.h.

What are functions in c language?

constants, MAX_(function), etc.

What is the function of stdlibh in c language?

It contains useful declarations.