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Java Development Kit

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Manish Karma

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Q: What is fullform of JDK in java?
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Is jdk 1.6 is the new version of java?

No, jdk 1.7 is out.

How do you write program in jdk?

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. It is not a programming language. It is a the system using which you can develop programs in Java. You need to have jdk installed in your machine to create java programs.

What is the difference between jvm jdk?

JVM stands for java virtual machine. This is actually the machine in which all the java programs you write will get executed. It comes as part of any JDK (Java Development Kit) Installations. JDK stands for Java Development Kit. JDK is the total software that comes to us as part of the download from the Sun Java website. It is the stuff that is required to write and execute java programs.

What do you need JDK?

JDK stands for Java Development Kit. This contains the Java compiler, Interpreter and other tools that Java provides. It also contains all Java default packages and classes that can be used for development of Java Applications. JDK versions are continuosly released and upgraded every year by Sun Microsystems.

What is jdk?

it is a ducks beak that is used to vomit out fish

Is the JDK suitable for developing programs based on servlets in Java?

Yes. It is very suitable and in fact Servlets are based on the Java Technology and the Java Development Kit (JDK) is used for the same

What is Java Development Kit?

The "JDK" is the Java Development Kit. I.e., the JDK is bundle of software that you can use to develop Java based software. Typically, each JDK contains one (or more) JRE's along with the various development tools like the Java source compilers, bundling and deployment tools, debuggers, development libraries, etc.

What's the difference between JVM and JDK?

There are two main things you can download for Java: the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java Development Kit (JDK). The JRE is used by those who wish only to run Java programs. In order to do this it uses the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to run Java bytecode. The JDK is used by developers and contains both the JRE and the programs and libraries needed to compile and run Java programs. Simple summary: The JDK contains the JRE which contains the JVM.

Do you hava different jre for every editionEESEME of the java platform like jdk does jre too has all the java libraries?

First of all, JDK is Java Development Kit and JRE is java runtime Environment. JDK provides compiler and all the necessary tools to write the code verses JRE provides with the environment in which the java code will run.

What is difference between jvmjre and jdk?

JVM Stands for Java Virtual Machine. JVM is the virtual machine in which a java program gets executed. JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment. JRE is the runtime set up that is required by the JVM to execute java programs. JDK stands for Java Development Kit. JDK is the basic software that gets downloaded from sun's java website if anyone wants to use java.

Explain Difference between java 1.6 and java 1.7?

The Java Platform Standard Edition (SE) 7 has some bug fixes, it includes Mac OS X JDK Port, and has some other enhancements. You need the Java RE (Runtime Environment) on your system to run Java applications and appets. When you want to program in Java, you'll need the JDK (Java Development Kit). De JDK includes the Runtime Enviroment.

What is the difference between j2sdk and jdk?

JDK is java development kit whereas J2SDK is the newer one and is called as Java 2 software development kit.