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Front functions such as vector::front(), list::front() and queue::front() return the first object in a container class. Not to be confused with begin() functions such as vector::begin() which return an iterator object which is typically used in iterative functions (loops) to traverse the objects within a container.

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Yes, there can be friend functions in C++.

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No, they are functions. Operators are -> or ++or /=

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Of course they are used. Both stand-alone and class-member functions are used in C++.

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In C++, methods are simply class member functions.

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How do you link a C plus plus program to C functions?

It should work without any special action.

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Turn on the intellisense feature.

What are the in-built function in c plus plus?

C++ built-in functions are those functions that are provided for you as part of the language itself, and includes all of the C standard library functions (all of which were inherited from C) and is expanded upon by the C++ standard template library. C++ implementors may provide additional functions that are platform-specific, however these are not considered built-in functions becuase C++ is a cross-platform language. These are best described as 3rd party functions. The functions you yourself write are known as user-defined functions.

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Constant data and constant functions.

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A singleton.

What are the pre-defined function in c plus plus?

The C++ standard library contains all the pre-defined functions.

How do you pass structures as a parameter to the functions in c plus plus?

Put their names into the parameter-list.