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Q: What is frequency range for a simple LAN?
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Is the internet a LAN or WAN?

WAN. LAN is a short range connection, WAN is wide range.

What is a lock in range and a capture range?

Lock range is the input frequency range of the PLL over which out frequency changes in step with input frequency, where as capture range is the frequency range over which oput starts to responds to input frequency change.

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What is the frequency range of an OE

What is the operating frequency of the 100BaseT Ethernet LAN system?

31.25 MHz

What should an organization consider deciding wireless LAN technology?

range and security (802.11n Wireless LAN)

What is Broadcasting signal frequency range?

The broadcasting frequency range is from 300kHZ to 3400kHZ.

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Why a lan user can not monitor the internet?

The simple answer is that a LAN user (client) will not see all of the packets on the Internet; they will only see the packets for their own LAN segment.

Frequency modulation range in India?

The frequency range of FM signal is 88hz to 108hz.

Is it possible to connect a LAN and WAN?

The steps for doing this areConnect N600 LAN port to 7700N LAN portDisable DHCP on N600Enable DHCP on 7700NManually give the N600 an ip in the 192.168.1.x range (outside the DHCP range)This will then put all devices in 192.168.1.x range, and be far simpler.

What is the frequency range of video frequency oscillator?
