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int main (void) { puts ("That's all"); return 0; }

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Q: What is fast code execution C language?
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What is execution with respect to c language?

Synonym for program-run.

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Faster execution of code.

Where execution does take start in C language?

It start with function - main()

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What are translator in c language?

The assembler is translator which converts assembly language code into machine language code.

What is mean by thread in c sharp?

A thread, in any language, is an independent execution path through a program.

Where function execution ends in c language?

In C, function execution ends with the return statement or when execution encounters the last brace, }, that matches the opening brace, {. If the function is typed, such as int myfunc(), then encountering the last brace is considered an error, because that sequence returns no value.

How do you write c program to delete source code after execution?

Use function unlink to erase files.

Why is c language good at performance speed of execution than any other computer languages?

I don't believe it is.

How can we print complete c program in the execution window every thing?

You cannot produce the source code from the machine code unless you use the source code as an input file which is output to the execution window. To output the machine code, treat the executable as an input file to itself.

When to use c language?

Build large software Build fast software with graphics You can learn C language with exercises and solutions