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Q: What is effect of porosity on heat conduction?
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How does material of high porosity make good thermal insulator?

Material with high porosity contains many small air pockets within its structure, which hinders the transfer of heat through conduction. These air pockets trap air molecules, preventing heat from easily passing through the material. This makes the material an effective thermal insulator by reducing heat transfer through conduction.

What is the effect of porosity on heat conductivity?

Porosity decreases the heat conductivity of a material because the void spaces act as barriers to the flow of heat. This is because air or other insulating gases within the pores have lower thermal conductivity compared to the solid material. As a result, materials with high porosity generally exhibit lower heat conductivity.

What form of heat is caused by the greenhouse effect?

There are three types of heat transfers: conduction, convection and radiation. The heat transfer caused by the greenhouse effect is radiation.

Which two methods of heat transfer are possible with liquids which of the two has greater effect?

The two methods of heat transfer possible with liquids are conduction and convection. Convection generally has a greater effect on heat transfer in liquids compared to conduction, as it involves the movement of the liquid itself, helping to distribute heat more efficiently.

How are conduction and heat different?

Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between materials, while heat is the energy transferred from one system to another due to temperature difference. In other words, conduction is a specific mechanism of heat transfer, where heat is transmitted through materials by vibrating atoms or molecules.

Does conduction produce heat?

no, conduction describes how the heat is transported not how it is generated. With conduction, a heat source is still needed.

What are two examples of heat conduction that are observable in everyday life?

Two examples of heat conduction that are observable in everyday life:- heat conduction through walls- heat conduction through clothing- heat conduction from many home appliances

What are two factors about the particles in a rock have the greatest effect on the porosity of the rock?

Two factors that have a significant effect on the porosity of a rock are the size of the particles (larger particles lead to higher porosity) and the packing arrangement of the particles (looser packing results in higher porosity).

What is the differ of conduction and convection?

conduction by itself is slower to heat but conduction and convection is faster to heat

Does porosity effect building materials?

Yes it does.

How are heat and conduction related?

Conduction is one way that heat spreads.

What is the transfer of heat by particles colliding with each other called?

That sounds like a description of heat conduction.