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a variable holds a single type of literal. i.e. 1, bat, 345. A object is a instance of a class created by the a programmer with a set of methods which preforms certain task depending what methods have been defined.

int a = 4; // a would be the variable

Car b = new Car();// b is an object

b.carGo();// this is an method in the object car created below.

class Car(){

void carGo(){

car moves;



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In Java, functions are called "methods". That means they are defined, not as independent objects, but as part of a class.

A class can contain several methods.

Classes are "templates for objects". That means that objects are defined on the basis of classes. Each object has access to all the public methods in a class.

One difference is that objects are variables, of the specified class type; while methods are really procedures or functions, belonging to a class.

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