As with analog ( Dial) watches versus Digital clocks- there are two different types of presentation. The Analog Oscilloscope is more properly called a Cathode Ray oscilloscope as it uses a specialized CRT ( Cathode Ray tube) the Digital creates and displays its graphics in a digital fashion. They do not need a warm-up time as they do not use vacuum tubes. Storage oscilloscopes, which have a time-lapse feature most intriguing and a memory bank, can be and have been made in both the analog and the digital configurations. the German Hameg company marketed both types.
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
The only different is one has a needle, the other digital numbers-same as with analog and digital watches.
Analog is displayed in a clock like instrument digital is shoun in numbers
transducer convert one energy to other energy .now in analog transducer it convert energy use of analog signal and digital it converts use og digital signal
Analog signals are continuous while digital signals are discrete
The ANALOG FILTER used in analog circuits.The DIGITAL FILTER USED IN DIGITAL circuits.
CRO means cathode ray oscilloscope. The Cathode Ray tube is the display mechanism only. A CRO can be a digital or analog scope, with or without digital storage. A digital storage scope can use a CRO as the display mechanism, or it can use a LCD screen, or any other method. There was a type of Cathode Ray tube that used analog means to store the information on the screen, The storage takes place on the screen itself. They were pretty rare, and not seen at all today, as they didn't work very well. Perhaps that is what you are referring to?
Amplitude Modulation or analog is like a wave, digital is a series of 1s and 0s. Different animals unless you want to add complexity by including a converter between analog and digital
The only different is one has a needle, the other digital numbers-same as with analog and digital watches.
analog out put or input means it will take any value between o- infinite, or i can explain something changes with the time analogously ,it will not vary discretely ,digital output will be only a on or off,in oscilloscope you will get 5v 0v ,but analog will continuously change with the time,in oscilloscope.ans it can take any desired value,any value.
The basic difference is that in analog modulation the modulating signal is analog signal and in digital modulation it is in digital form.
Analog is displayed in a clock like instrument digital is shoun in numbers
Analog can reach higher speeds.
transducer convert one energy to other energy .now in analog transducer it convert energy use of analog signal and digital it converts use og digital signal
Pulse position modulation can be analog or digital, it depends on the signal and/or the modulator used to obtain the modulation. If an analog signal is applied at the input of the modulator, the position of the pulse can assume an infinity of different timing states (the signal vary continuously) and hence an analog modulation is realised in PPM. On the contrary if the signal is digitized previously in a series of discrete states, the pulse at the output will have discrete timing interval (not continuosly). Then a digital modulation is obtained. If the signal is analog, but the modulator is digital, we will have again a number of finite state in output timing, and the PPM will be digital. To be noted that, if the number of steps in the digital modulator, is higher then the dinamic range required, the performance of the digital and analog PPM will be exactly the same. Cecking the front of the pulse of PPM with a digital oscilloscope capable of jitter measurament, we will see immediately if the position of the pulses will be continuosly variable or a number of discrete steps will be presented. We can then consider analog and digital PPM physically different.
In analog ckt there is more distortion but in digital there is no distortion. Analog is a continues value digital is a discrite value(0 or 1). To measure analog is very difficult but in digital it is very easy. compare to analog the digital system is very compart for us. H.L.Kiran
Analogue-to-Digital Converters,Digital-to-analog converter.