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Both getch() and getche() are used to read single character there is very little difference

-getch() doesn't display output to screen if used without lvalue

-getche() display output to screen even if used without lvalue

following example will clear this.....











after running above programs...............

when you press any key, you'll exit from output screen

verify the output by pressing alt+F5

1. will not show anything

2.will show the key you were pressed......

hope you get it.............


getch() - get character from screen without echo and compiler didn't wait for another key.

getche() - get character from screen and compiler didn't wait for another key

getchar() - get character from screen and compiler wait for another key and moreover it returns a integer value i.e. the ASCII(American Standard Code for Information exchange) which we can use where ever we want.for example:- mostly in encryption.

In this the major concept is of echoing and it is nothing but when we enter anything through keyboard and if it is coming back on the screen (even if to show that what we are entering ) that's called echoing.

and this is what makes difference in getch() and getche()

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13y ago

Getchar() will accept a character from keyboard displays immediately while typing and need Enter key to pressed for proceeding.

Getch() Normally we will use it at the end of the main(). It just accepts a key stroke and never displays it and proceeds further.

Getche() will accept a character from keyboard display it immediately does not wait for Enter key to pressed for proceeding.


getch() - get character from screen without echo and compiler didn't wait for another key.

getche() - get character from screen and compiler didn't wait for another key

getchar() - get character from screen and compiler wait for another key.


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getch() is a way to get a user-inputted character. It can be used to hold program execution, but the "holding" is simply a side-effect of its primary purpose, which is to wait until the user enters a character. getch() and getchar() are used to read a character from screen.

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There is no 'get' in the standard libraries, but for 'getc', 'getch', 'getchar', 'fgetc' etc you can find useful information in the help/manual.

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Use the scanf() function from the C standard library.

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getch(); is used for unbuffered input. e.x: int main() { char num=0; printf("Press a keyboard button: "); num = getch(); //This brings in 1 character that the user pressed on the keyboard printf("\nYou pressed: %c", num); //This prints the character you pressed getchar(); // I am using getchar(); to stop the program from ending after pressing buttons return 0; } My input will be within the (). output: Press a keyboard button: (v) You pressed: v EOP //End of program I hope this has helped you!

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Excusez mon français pauvre mai the difference between getting the computer code for a particular letter of character and something else is easier to answer if I know what the other way is, veuillez terminer la question

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If you are referring to getchar(), it returns a single character as an 'int'.'scanf' allows the user to input many different types of variables, and converts them accordingly using a format specified by the user.If you type 'man getchar' and 'man scanf' you will get additional information on how to use them.

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The Answers community requested more information for this question. Please edit your question to include more context.

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If you are talking about the program executing, but the output screen being displayed for a flash and then disappearing, I suggest adding getch() or getchar() function at the end of your main function. This will make sure that the output screen waits for you to press a character before the program terminates.

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getc(FILE *stream), prototyped in stdio.h, reads the next character from stream and returns it, or returns EOF if an error occurs or end of file has been reached.getch(), prototyped in both conio.h and curses.h, performs a blocking-style hardware-based read of the keyboard. If no key is available, by default getch()will wait until a key is available. Options or functions usually exist to check to see if a key is available in the system keyboard buffer.getchar() is the same as getc(stdin).More information is available at the related links below, which apply to both Win32 and Linux/Posix systems.

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