Front end tools: are the tools which are used to design the user interface of the application Example Visual basic, .Net,Java,C,C++ etc.
Back End tools: are the tools which are used to design data base(storage design) of the application Example SQL,Ms-Access,Oracle,DB2,SyBase etc.
People who do coding comes in Front end design and remaining comes in backend .......... Front end includes rtl description,synthesiser,verilog/vhdl entity,simulator..... Back end includes floorplanning,place & route,packaging,testing...
"Back end" and "front end" are typically used to refer to two different parts of an application. The front end is what the user sees and interacts with. This includes things like GUIs and web pages. The back end is generally where the actual work of a program is done. This can include anything from a database or a server to another module in the same program as the front end.
The front-end is anything that interacts directly with the user (such as the GUI). The back-end is everything that goes on behind the scenes and is generally of no interest to the user. In a client-server application, the client is the front-end and the server is the back-end.
HTML,CSS, Javascripts are few front end programming languages.
fundamental wave component is filtered in the front end.
The system can be developed under Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 as a Front-End tool and Oracle 8.0 as a Back-End tool.
Front end means any input your project can take in any format...i.e it is you are giving email password for login page is front end..& back end means verifying that id & password..using any database...which is not visible...means front end acts as input to backend.
Client is the "front end" and server is the "back end"
visual basic is a front end Oracle is a back end
No. I would use "front-end or back-end load." Use a hyphen when "front-end" or "back-end" is being used as an adjective, otherwise do not.
Java can be used for both front end and back end coding.
Yes, the earthworm does have a front and back.
Like the Motor moved back and the front end went foward,,just seems like the drive shaft is to short
you fool
* * * * * == == * * * * * == == * * * * * == ==
back-end - SAP ERP application accessed via SAP GUI front-end - application accesed via SAP Portal