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= What is information processing cycle? = In: Computer Terminology [Edit categories]


Information processing cycle of computer can be well described by the following points: (1) input, (2) processing, (3) output and (4) storage # Input-entering data into the computer. # Processing-performing operations on the data. # Output-presenting the results. # Storage-saving data, programs, or output for future use.

1. INPUTThe collection of raw data from the outside world so it can be put into an information system. Putting the acquired data into the information system. # Examples: The payroll clerk collects workers' timecards so she knows how many hours each person worked that week and types the hours from the timecards into a spreadsheet # Conducting a survey of customer's opinions and then scanning the survey cards with a card reader. # Collecting jokes for a joke book and typing jokes into a word processor. # Using a form on a website to collect visitors' opinions

Typical input devices: Keyboards, mice, flatbed scanners, bar code readers, joysticks, digital data tablets (for graphic drawing), electronic cash registers

2. PROCESSING CPU Processor - Central ProcessingUnit A central processing unit (CPU), or sometimes simply processor, is the key component in a digital computer capable of executing a program. It interprets computer program instructions and processes data. CPUs provide the fundamental digital computer trait of programmability, and are one of the necessary components found in computers of any era, along with memory and input/output facilities. A CPU that is manufactured as a single integrated circuit is usually known as a microprocessor. Beginning in the mid-1970s, microprocessors of ever-increasing complexity and power gradually supplanted other designs, and today the term "CPU" is usually applied to some type of microprocessor. Microprocessor (CPU)

Integrated circuit, also called a chip. The Brain of the computer

Composed of: ALU: Arithmetic Logic Unit: Processor Controller High speed calculator

Intel is the most popular chip

Categorized by model numbers

Higher model number=newer/faster chip

Speed of CPU is determined by clock speed

Higher the clock speed, faster the computer

Speed is measured in megahertz (MHz) Megahertz: Clock Speed of the processor (100 MHz = 100 million cycles/second). Memory or RAM Next most critical element of a processing hardware is RAM, often referred to as "primary storage" or "main memory". Random Access Memory (RAM) receives and temporarily stores data and program instructions from the CPU This data bank communicates with the CPU, constantly exchanging information and constantly changing as long as the computer is on

RAM is an active, electronic state. When the power is on, RAM retains data. When the computer is turned off, all data in RAM is erased unless you have saved it to some mass storage device. Each time the computer boots, the computer goes through it's startup routine and lastly loads operating system instructions into RAM

Random Access Memory (RAM) is the workhorse behind the performance of your computer. Working as a foot soldier for your processor, RAM temporarily stores information from your operating system, applications, and data in current use. This gives your processor easy access to the critical information that makes your programs run. The amount of RAM you have determines how many programs can be executed at one time and how much data can be readily available to a program. It also determines how quickly your applications perform and how many applications you can easily toggle between at one time. Simply put, the more RAM you have, the more programs you can run smoothly and simultaneously. To determine how much RAM you need, factor in the demands of the applications you want to run simultaneously as well as the operating system (512 MB of RAM is recommended by Microsoft as minimum for operation of Windows) Then keep in mind that you'll inevitably add new applications and create new files, and add accordingly. RAM: (Random Access Memory): (Click here to read "How Stuff Works - RAM") Types of RAM * DRAM (Dynamic RAM) This is the most common type of computer memory. DRAM needs refreshing and is refreshed hundreds of times each second in order to retain data. During recharging it cannot be accessed by the CPS * SRAM (Static RAM) SRAM is approximately 5 times faster (and twice as expensive, as DRAM). It does not have to be constantly refreshed. Because of its lower cost and smaller size, DRAM is preferred for the main memory, while SRAM is used primarily for cache memory. * SDRAM (synchronous dynamic RAM) is the standard memory offering in the PC industry and is faster than DRAM because it's synchronized to the system clock. . It is designed for mainstream home and business applications, email, and basic audio and video streaming. It provides single-channel memory and is available on our mainstream and value desktop system. * DDR SDRAM (double data rate synchronous dynamic RAM) takes all the features of ordinary SDRAM and increases the frequency bandwidth to improve system performance and speed. * RDRAM (Rambus dynamic RAM) is able to load a new stream of data before the previous stream has completed, resulting in faster access speeds. The RDRAM memory features dual-channel processing which doubles data throughput to further enhance performance. This type of memory is optimized for high-end multimedia tasks involving video and audio. Dual Channel RDRAM is shipped on our performance desktop systems powered by Pentium 4 processors * VRAM: Memory designed for storing the image to be displayed. * CACHE RAM is a small block of high-speed memory located between the Processor and main memory and is used to store frequently requested data and instructions. When the processor requests data, it will check in the cache first

Understanding the relationship between CPU and RAM The hierarchical arrangement of memory storage in current computer architectures is called the memory hierarchy. It is designed to take advantage of memory locality in computer programs. Each level of the hierarchy is of higher speed and lower latency, and is of smaller size, than lower levels. The memory hierarchy in most computers is as follows: * Processor registers - fastest possible access (usually 1 CPU cycle), only hundreds of bytes in size * Level 1 (L1) cache - often accessed in just a few cycles, usually tens of kilobytes * Level 2 (L2) cache - higher latency than L1 by 2× to 10×, often 512 KiB or more * Level 3 (L3) cache - higher latency than L2, often several MB * Main memory (DRAM) - may take hundreds of cycles, but can be multiple gigabytes. Access times may not be uniform.

3. Output In information processing, output is the process of transmitting the processing information Essentially, output is the presentation of any data exiting a computer system. This could be in the form of printed paper, audio, video. In the medical industry this might include CT scans or x-rays. Typically in computing, data is entered through various forms (input) into a computer, the data is often manipulated, and then information is presented to a human (output). Typical output devices: Monitors* Pixels: Images are created with dots of lights called picture elements, or pixels. More pixels = higher resolution. Resolution is the maximum number of pixels the monitor can display * Basic VGA is a pixel grid 640 X 480 * Super VGA is 1,024 X 768 * A video card, (also referred to as a graphics accelerator card, display adapter, graphics card, and numerous other terms), is an item of personal computerhardware whose function is to generate and output images to a display. Printers * Laser - laser beams bond toner to paper * Ink jet - fine stream of ink * Dot Matrix - pins & ribbon What else can you think of?

4. Storage Storage, or mass storage refers to various techniques and devices for storing large amounts of data. The earliest storage devices were punched paper cards, which were used as early as 1804 to control silk-weaving looms. Modern mass storage devices include all types of disk drives and tape drives. Mass storage is distinct from memory, which refers to temporary storage areas within the computer. Unlike RAM memory, mass storage devices retain data even when the computer is turned off. The smallest unit of storage is a file that contains such data as a resume, letter, budget, images or any one of the thousands of items that you may have saved for future reference. Additionally, files can be executable program files, or system files reserved for the operating system. Mass storage is measured in kilobytes (1,024 bytes), megabytes (1,024 kilobytes), gigabytes (1,024 megabytes) and terabytes (1,024 gigabytes). Examples of some mass storage devices * Disk storage - hundreds of thousands of cycles latency, but very large ** Floppy Disks: Relatively slow and have a small capacity, but they are portable, inexpensive, and universal ** Hard disks : Very fast and with more capacity than floppy disks, but also more expensive. Some hard disk systems are portable (removable cartridges), but most are not. * Tertiary storage - ** Optical storage: Unlike floppy and hard disks, which use electromagnetism to encode data, optical disk systems use a laser to read and write data. Optical disks have very large storage capacity, but they are not as fast as hard disks. Examples: CD, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD or DVD-R ** Tapes: Relatively inexpensive and can have very large storage capacities, but they do not permit random access of data. * Flash Memory - faster than disk storage, with up to 4GB or more of data, transferring (usually) over universal serial bus (USB) POONAM VALERA GUJRAT JAMNAGAR

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the only ignorance is your attitude aka wiki user
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11y ago

nA computer is an electronic machine that performs the information-processing cycle.

nThe information-processing cycle consists of 5 operations: input, processing, output, storage, and communication.

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Jordan Kampo

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diagram for information processing cycle

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Talha azhar

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4y ago

The sequence of events in processing information, which includes

(1) input,

(2) processing,

(3) storage

(4) output.

The input stage can be further broken down into acquisition, data entry and validation. The output stage can also be further divided into interactive queries and routine reports. A fifth stage is often attributed to this cycle, which is the archiving or deletion of unwanted data. See system development life cycle.

Have a good day

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13y ago

The process is so Simple

Input the Data and Store it in the RAM (primary Memory) send to Processor for Calculation /Manipulation if the Data Need to Save in Secondary Send to Hard Disk otherwise Print or Execute through Monitor.

Computer processing cycle

Computer processing cycle the stages in which the computer uses to process data that that has been sent into the computer by the input and some of these devices are the keyboard, mouse etc.

After this stage the data has to be processed , so the data goes into the micro processor to be processed into information.

When the data is produced or processed, it has to come out , so it is brought out through the output devices like printer and the monitor.

After that it has to be stored ,so it can be stored in devices like CD ROM, pendrives and even the computer memory{hard-disk}

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15y ago

Electronic data processing cycle is cycle of data from input device to output device while processing input device >> ram >> CPU(cu>>alu) >> ram >>output device Abaid Pakistan

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nicanor gonzales

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The data processing cycle is the order in which data is processed. There are four stages; # Data collection # Data input # Data processing and storage # Data output

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draw the digram of the information processing cycle

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state the three stages of the information processing cycle and explain what happens at each stage

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Q: Explain the Information Processing Cycle of a computer?
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Show the data processing cycle?

The data processing cycle is the process of converting data into useful information. The data is processed again and again until the accurate result is achieved. The three basic activities of data processing are: 1. Input 2. Processing 3. Output

What is an expanded data processing cycle?

The data processing cycle is used anywhere data has to be input and processed in order to achieve a desired output. That output may be then used as input for additional processing, repeating the cycle. During processing, data is also stored for later use, whether to be processed along with new input or to provide input for other processes, thus creating new output. The expanded cycle is the same, the only difference being that data has to be originated before being input, while the output has to be distributed. The originated data is known as the source document, which could be something as simple as an appointment booking form that you fill in. The data from that document is then input and processed (and stored), and the output is distributed in the form of report documents, which could be as simple as a letter telling you when your appointment is, a copy of which will be kept on file along with the source document. When you come to attend your appointment, your report document becomes the source document, which is then input and processed, and the output distributed, confirming your attendance for the appointment. During the appointment, new data is originated, thus starting the cycle all over again.

Examples of batch system?

An example of batch processing is the way that credit card companies process billing. The customer does not receive a bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for all of that month's purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all of the data are collected and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.

What are examples of batch processing?

Batch processing enables work to be done simultaniously whilst the workers are able to play football in the courtyard whilst production is taking place. this can occur in the workplace and is highly recommended to anyone who wishes to try this. An example of batch processing is the way that credit card companies process billing. The customer does not receive a bill for each separate credit card purchase but one monthly bill for all of that month's purchases. The bill is created through batch processing, where all of the data are collected and held until the bill is processed as a batch at the end of the billing cycle.

How would you describe the fetch execute cycle?

Fetch Execute Cycle A more complete form of the Instruction Fetch Execute Cycle can be broken down into the following steps: 1. Fetch Cycle 2. Decode Cycle 3. Execute Cycle 4. Interrupt Cycle 1. Fetch Cycle The fetch cycle begins with retrieving the address stored in the Program Counter (PC). The address stored in the PC is some valid address in the memory holding the instruction to be executed. (In case this address does not exist we would end up causing an interrupt or exception).The Central Processing Unit completes this step by fetching the instruction stored at this address from the memory and transferring this instruction to a special register - Instruction Register (IR) to hold the instruction to be executed. The program counter is incremented to point to the next address from which the new instruction is to be fetched. 2. Decode Cycle The decode cycle is used for interpreting the instruction that was fetched in the Fetch Cycle. The operands are retrieved from the addresses if the need be. 3. Execute Cycle This cycle as the name suggests, simply executes the instruction that was fetched and decoded

Related questions

How is data processing cycle important?

Ans.The data-processing cycle describes how data is processed into information by the computer. The input stage is the first stage of the data-processing cycle. Data is collected and entered into the computer. In the processing stage, the computer converts data into information according to given instructions. After processing, the information is presented to users in the output stage. Information is stored on different types of media in the storage stage. The stored information can be used later for a different data processing cycle. In this way, the data- processing cycle continues.

What are the four functions of the Information Processing Cycle?

The four functions of the Information Processing Cycle are input, processing, output, and storage. This is the cycle that computers must perform for the viewer to get their information.

Input process output and storage are the four basic computer functions known as?

Information processing Cycle

How would you explain processing cycle?

The processing cycle is the execution start date and the next execution start date of a jobnet.

What are the difference between information processing cycle and information cycle?

"Data processing is simply the conversion of raw data into meaningful information through a process."& Data Processing Cycle is described by following imageImage source:

How does a computer follow the information processing cycle to perform tasks?

Information processing is the process of changing or converting information into meaningful form. Information is a processed, organized or classified data which is useful for the receiver. Information is the processed data which may be used “as is” or may be put to use along with more data or information. The receiver of information takes actions and decisions based on the information received. Collected data must be processed to get meaning out of it, and this meaning is obtained in the form of information. Further information is considered useful & meaningful only if has these characteristics Timely − Information should be available when required, a delay in obtaining information renders it useless. Accuracy − Accuracy of information has a significant impact on the decision-making. Possibilities of even slightest errors should be minimized Completeness − Information should be complete. Incomplete information causes incorrect and unintended results. Comprehensive – Information which is incomprehensible is useless for the receiver. This becomes a case of information failure as the sender sent the information, but it was of no use for the receiver, thus is not considered as “information.” Understanding “information processing” in daily life and Examples Information is the processed data which is of some use for humans. Information may further be processed and/or manipulated to form knowledge. Information containing wisdom is known as knowledge. Taking an example of information processing, digits in a report card are considered as information; similarly, stats, when placed in a report or used in some context, provides an understanding. Data collected during surveys is meaningless unless it is processed. Good questionnaires are formed and surveys are conducted to collect data which can be processed to give useful insight. Another example can be a tabular data if merely a table is constructed without with the available data it might not convey the intended message, but when data mapping is done using that data to create graphs & charts, it becomes information. Thus information processing is important. Understanding Information processing Cycle Information processing cycle is a sequence of events consisting of input, processing, storage & output. To understand more about what is information processing cycle it is a good idea to study about data processing cycle also. These events are similar as in case of data processing cycle. For a computer to perform useful work, the computer has to receive instructions and data from the outside world. The computer receives data and instructions during the INPUT stage of the information processing cycle. Useful information results when appropriate instructions are applied to data. Applying instructions to data takes place during the PROCESSING stage of the information processing cycle. To avoid having to re-enter data and instructions or reprocess information, computers can save information. Saving information on a computer occurs during the STORAGE phase of the information processing cycle. Saving information on a computer occurs during the Storage phase of the information processing cycle. This is followed by the result in the OUTPUT stage. Computer Processing Cycle is a similar process with similar steps by which data is fed to a computer. Information processing cycle Four phases of the of the cycle to process information Input: Computer receives data and instructions Process: Computer applies instructions to data to produce information (organized Data) Storage: Saving the information for a subsequent use or use in future Output: Computer sends information to people in a usable format. Related: Data Processing, Data Processing Methods, Data Mining information processing cycle diagram Input – Entering data into the computer Feeding the collected raw data in the cycle for processing. This is the raw data which is supplied for processing & obtaining information. Input can be done by utilizing various devices such as keyboards, mice, flatbed scanners, barcode readers, joysticks, digital data tablets (for graphics drawing), electronic cash registers, etc Processing – Performing operations on the data Once the input is provided the raw data is processed by a suitable or selected processing method. This is the most crucial step as it allows for the processed data in the form of output which will be used further. Processing is usually done by CPU (Central Processing Unit) in a computer. CPU is the crucial component for getting the operations done. Storage – Saving data in a soft/physical form This is the outcome, and the raw data provided in the first stage is now “processed,” and the data is useful and provides information and no longer called data. Storage can be done on external hard disk, inbuilt hard disk, pen drives, micro SD cards, compact disks or even in registers. Output – Results obtained, i.e., information

What is the first stage in the information processing system?

Select the first step in the Information Processing Cycle.

How does the computer conduct the information processing cycle?

Information processing is the process of changing or converting information into meaningful form. Information is a processed, organized or classified data which is useful for the receiver. Information is the processed data which may be used “as is” or may be put to use along with more data or information. The receiver of information takes actions and decisions based on the information received. Collected data must be processed to get meaning out of it, and this meaning is obtained in the form of information. Further information is considered useful & meaningful only if has these characteristics Timely − Information should be available when required, a delay in obtaining information renders it useless. Accuracy − Accuracy of information has a significant impact on the decision-making. Possibilities of even slightest errors should be minimized Completeness − Information should be complete. Incomplete information causes incorrect and unintended results. Comprehensive – Information which is incomprehensible is useless for the receiver. This becomes a case of information failure as the sender sent the information, but it was of no use for the receiver, thus is not considered as “information.” Understanding “information processing” in daily life and Examples Information is the processed data which is of some use for humans. Information may further be processed and/or manipulated to form knowledge. Information containing wisdom is known as knowledge. Taking an example of information processing, digits in a report card are considered as information; similarly, stats, when placed in a report or used in some context, provides an understanding. Data collected during surveys is meaningless unless it is processed. Good questionnaires are formed and surveys are conducted to collect data which can be processed to give useful insight. Another example can be a tabular data if merely a table is constructed without with the available data it might not convey the intended message, but when data mapping is done using that data to create graphs & charts, it becomes information. Thus information processing is important. Understanding Information processing Cycle Information processing cycle is a sequence of events consisting of input, processing, storage & output. To understand more about what is information processing cycle it is a good idea to study about data processing cycle also. These events are similar as in case of data processing cycle. For a computer to perform useful work, the computer has to receive instructions and data from the outside world. The computer receives data and instructions during the INPUT stage of the information processing cycle. Useful information results when appropriate instructions are applied to data. Applying instructions to data takes place during the PROCESSING stage of the information processing cycle. To avoid having to re-enter data and instructions or reprocess information, computers can save information. Saving information on a computer occurs during the STORAGE phase of the information processing cycle. Saving information on a computer occurs during the Storage phase of the information processing cycle. This is followed by the result in the OUTPUT stage. Computer Processing Cycle is a similar process with similar steps by which data is fed to a computer. Information processing cycle Four phases of the of the cycle to process information Input: Computer receives data and instructions Process: Computer applies instructions to data to produce information (organized Data) Storage: Saving the information for a subsequent use or use in future Output: Computer sends information to people in a usable format. Related: Data Processing, Data Processing Methods, Data Mining information processing cycle diagram Input – Entering data into the computer Feeding the collected raw data in the cycle for processing. This is the raw data which is supplied for processing & obtaining information. Input can be done by utilizing various devices such as keyboards, mice, flatbed scanners, barcode readers, joysticks, digital data tablets (for graphics drawing), electronic cash registers, etc Processing – Performing operations on the data Once the input is provided the raw data is processed by a suitable or selected processing method. This is the most crucial step as it allows for the processed data in the form of output which will be used further. Processing is usually done by CPU (Central Processing Unit) in a computer. CPU is the crucial component for getting the operations done. Storage – Saving data in a soft/physical form This is the outcome, and the raw data provided in the first stage is now “processed,” and the data is useful and provides information and no longer called data. Storage can be done on external hard disk, inbuilt hard disk, pen drives, micro SD cards, compact disks or even in registers. Output – Results obtained, i.e., information

What is data processing cycle?

The data processing cycle is the process of converting data into useful information. The data is processed again and again until the accurate result is achieved. The three basic activities of data processing are: 1. Input 2. Processing 3. Output

What do you understand by IPO cycle?

IPO cycle stands for input-processing-output. data in computer flow in a system. input is the data floeing into system. the next stage is manipulating i.e PROCESSING. Ten final stage is out put information

What four functions must exist in an information processing cycle and what happens in each?

The four computer functions are: - data input -data processing -data storage and -data output The relationship between these and processing is that when data is entered into a computer,that is input, then the computer fetches it,decodes it executes it and results are stored in the CPU registers or even the user can choose to store to any other storage media.Therefore,the four functions of a computer are stages of information processing.

What is the second stage of the processing cycle?

The second stage of the processing cycle is data input. This involves entering raw data into the computer system for further processing and analysis. Input devices such as keyboard, mouse, and scanner are used to input data into the computer.