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A combo box is a list of multiple values a user can select. Sometimes we refer to them as dropdown lists. When you click on it a list of value pops down and you can choose an option. They are very commonly seen on computers. To create them you use the Combo Box control in Visual BASIC.

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It's an interface element in Microsoft Visual Studio and Borland Builder (Codegear). It's a dropping down list of items which you can choose and edit.

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Which type of control is most commonly placed in the detail section?

combo box

What is the Difference between combo box and list box in visual basic in Hindi translation?

A list box displays a list from which the user may make a selection. The default behaviour is to permit a single selection, but multiple selections are also permitted by changing the SelectionMode accordingly.A combo box combines a list box with a text box, but the list is limited to single selections only. Changing the DropDownStyle alters the behaviour of the combo box.The default style is DropDown, which permits the user to enter text that is not contained in the list, therefore the list provides suggested input for the user (and can be used to auto-complete the input text). The user can also click the drop down arrow to expose the list and make a direct selection as they would from a list.When the style is Simple, the list is exposed at all times, but otherwise behaves as per the default mode. But in DropDownList mode, the user is limited to only those items in the list.To sum up, if you need multiple-selections, then you must use a list box. For single selections, you can use either. If space is limited, a combo box is better, but if the list must be exposed then a list box will be smaller. However, if user-defined input is permitted, then you must use a combo box. A text box would also be an option, but the combo box also allows suggestedinput.

What is the Difference between combo box and list box in visual basic?

LISTBOX CONTROLCOMBOX CONTROLA LISTBOX CONTROL displays a list of items from which theuser can select one or more. If the number of items exceeds the number that can be displayed, a scroll bar is automatically added to the List Box control.a list box is appropriate when you want to limit input to what is on the listchoices not on the list can be typed in this field.A COMBOX CONTROL combines the features of a text box and a list box. This control allows the user to select an item either by typing text into the combo box, or by selecting it from the list.a combo box is appropriate when there is a list of suggested choicesA combo box contains an edit field.

What HTML form input would present multiple options but only wanted one allowed to be selected?

You could use the SELECT and OPTION tags to create a list or a combo box, ensuring that you don't allow the multiple attribute to be active.

What do sewers do?

Transport waste and storm water if it is a combo system

Related questions

What is the purpose of a Combo Box?

The purpose of a Combo Box is so that a person gets more food or whatever comes in the combo box, for less of a price then if they bought everything separate.

What is the similarity between list box and combo box?

The difference between list box and combo box is that-:The list box provides the list of items from which the user can select one or more, whereas in the combo box the user can select only one item from it.List boxes come in two styles: standard style and check box style. Combo boxes have three styles: drop down combo, simple combo and drop down list.We cannot edit the item present in the list box during run time, whereas we can edit the item present in the combo box.

Does combo box have an another name?

Theterm"combo box" is sometimes used to mean "drop-down list". In both Java and .NET, "combo box" is not a synonym for "drop-down list".

How could you set the selections available in a Microsoft Access form combo box to be dependent on the selection made in a previous combo box?

I haven't used Microsoft Access in a while but I think you would have to modify the action properties of the combo box (i.e. you select choice 1 from the first combo box, then choices a,b and c appear in the second combo box). In the second combo box's row source property add a reference to the first combo box in the criteria section of the field that matches the first combo box. For example, if the first combo box is bound to the field Table1ID, and combo box 2 is going to use that value to select records to display, based on records that match combo box 2's table's FKField value, then you would: a) go into the Combo Box 2 row source b) add the table's FKField (or whatever it's called) to the query (unless it's already there) c) and in the criteria row under the FKField, add: [Forms]![FormWithComboBoxes]![ComboBox1]!Table1ID (replace the above names with the specific names; you can also use the expression builder to get that expression). d) Then, in Combo Box 1's AfterUpdate event, add the following lines of code: Me.ComboBox2 = Requery Me.ComboBox2 = Null And that should do it. Hope that help

Which control is suitable to choose a district from list of districtslistbox or combo box?

A list box.

Where to get preset combo for the masterlock 1500 id?

on the instructions in the box

How can you check date in combo box in vissual basic?

'Let the combo box name Cboif IsDate(Cbo.Text)=True thenMsgBox "Date True"elseMsgBox "Date false"end if

The box that gives a list when clicked is?

The box that gives a list when clicked is called a drop-down list, or a combo-box.

How do you retrive a value from combo box whose values are retrived from database?


How do you change the color of combo box in visual basics?

combobox.backcolor = (Name of colour)

Which type of control is most commonly placed in the detail section?

combo box

Fuse box diagram for vauxhall combo van?

A fuse box diagram for a Vauxhall Combo van is useful for troubleshooting electrical malfunctions in your vehicle. At a glance, you will be able to see which fuse corresponds to which part. You should find the fuse box diagram in the owner's manual.