Transient variable can't be serialize. For example if a variable is declared as transient in a Serializable class and the class is written to an ObjectStream, the val ue of the variable can't be written to the stream instead when the class is retrieved from the ObjectStream the value of the variable becomes null
Everything is an object, and "typed" based on assignation. Your variable will be given a class when you declare it to be something, and the class will depend on what value you give the variable. It is always an object though, and its class may change if you change its value.
An abstract base class may have member variables. Whether or not it actually needs member variables depends on the nature of the base class itself. If the variable is common to all derived classes, then it makes sense to place the variable in the base class. If some derived classes have no need of the variable, then it is better to derive an intermediate class with the variable, and to derive those classes that require that variable from the intermediate class, rather than directly from the abstract class.
Static member variables are local to the class. That is, there is only one instance of a static member variable, regardless of how many objects are instantiated from the class. As such, they must be declared inside the class, and defined outside of the class.
automatic storage class
Class Variable is a subset of Variables.
A static member variable is local to the class rather than to an object of the class.
structure variable can access the variable but class object can access the function also
Transient variable can't be serialize. For example if a variable is declared as transient in a Serializable class and the class is written to an ObjectStream, the val ue of the variable can't be written to the stream instead when the class is retrieved from the ObjectStream the value of the variable becomes null
Everything is an object, and "typed" based on assignation. Your variable will be given a class when you declare it to be something, and the class will depend on what value you give the variable. It is always an object though, and its class may change if you change its value.
An abstract base class may have member variables. Whether or not it actually needs member variables depends on the nature of the base class itself. If the variable is common to all derived classes, then it makes sense to place the variable in the base class. If some derived classes have no need of the variable, then it is better to derive an intermediate class with the variable, and to derive those classes that require that variable from the intermediate class, rather than directly from the abstract class.
Static member variables are local to the class. That is, there is only one instance of a static member variable, regardless of how many objects are instantiated from the class. As such, they must be declared inside the class, and defined outside of the class.
A qualitative variable is a variable that has categorized values and the difference cannot be measured. A quantitative variable is a variable that consist of ordinary values and the difference can be measured. Depending on the type of class rank it can be both qualitative as quantitative.
An instance variable is typically associated with an object instance of the class whereas class variable is not associated with any object instance. Static variables are referred to as class variables while non-static regular variables are called instance variables. Simply put, you will have as many instances of the instance variable as there are object instances. i.e., if there are 10 instances of an object, you will have 10 instances of that instance variable as well. But, there will be only one instance of the static or class variable. Instance variables are accessed as follows: objname.variableName; Class variables are accessed as follows: ClassName.variableName;
The static modifier tells the system that this particular variable belongs to the class and does not belong to any specific instance of the same. The class will contain only one instance of the static variable irrespective of how many objects of the class you create.
automatic storage class
Register storage class is a compiler hint that the variable will be often used, and that it should generate code, if it can, to keep the variable's value in a register.