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Class in Java is a blueprint which is used to create objects in Java. Class contains both methods and variables and that's how it is different with C struct construct. in Java there are built in classes like System Classes and you can also create class by using keyword "class" which we call user defined classes or application classes.

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15y ago

I don't understand what you mean..if you mean a file with extension .class, so this is answer : Class is a file which created after you compile a java file without any error. For example, if your java file is, after compilation without any error, you will get Test.class.

If you mean keyword 'class', this is answer : It consists of a group of related methods and variables lumped together under one name. Like we know java is base on OOP(Object Oriented Programming). For example car is an example of object. So in java car like a class with method like break() and acceleration().

I hope it will help.

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12y ago

A class has only two possible types of members: data members (variables) and member functions.

In the Java lexicography, class variables are called its Attributes, and all class functions are called Methods.

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12y ago

Class is an executable java file. for, When you compile it you will get HelloWorld.class file whic user cannot read or edit.

Methods are individual blocks used inside your .java file for performing different operations you required.



int a,b,c;




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12y ago

whatever we write inside a class i.e variable or function is called member of a class.if the member is a variable it is called member variable and if it is a function then it is called a member function.

.................Rajesh kumar Mahato

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13y ago

Static keyword when used with a method, specifies that this method belongs to the class and not a particular instance of the class (a.k.a object of the class)


public class StaticTest {

public static String getAuthorName() {

return "Anand";



Here getAuthorName is the static method and it can be accessed without instantiating an object of the class StaticTest. You can access this method as:

String authorName = StaticTest.getAuthorName();

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15y ago

Oddly enough, there is a Java class named Class. It provides an easy way to tell if two unknown Objects are of the same type (through use of the Object.class method).

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11y ago

a class is a def.of a highlevel data type.a class will tell what type of data and what methods of all instances of that class will have

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12y ago

A Class is a group of similar objects.Class is a blueprint of an object. Each object belongs to some class.

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