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A sexy transistor are two type. NPN and PNP..... c means common b means base .

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Q: What is cb configuration of the transistor?
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Which transistor configuration has the highest voltage gain?

Common Emitter(CE) Configuration possess largest voltage gain among the three(CE CB CC).

Inputoutput and transfer characteristics of pnp and npn transistor in common base configuration?

result of output characteristics of npn transister in CB mode

What is Pin configuration of transistor sl100?

The pin configuration of sl 100 is B C E with ground as the base of the transistor.

Why CE transistor is more temperature senstive than CB transistor?

In CE transistor volteage divider biasing is used, which is independent of temperature and other parameters.

Why cb and cc configuration are not preferred as an electronic switch?

Common emitter is the preferred circuit because the collector voltage drops to a well defined low value when the transistor is 'on', therefore it absorbs only a small amount of power.

How do you test a transistor using cathode ray oscilloscope?

Yeah...its possible to test the transistor using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope (CRO). CRO provides a function called "Component Testing". Just connect the transistor terminals between two pins provided by this function and you can observe the patterns on the CRO screen. Normally, in case of transistor, The operation is divided in few parts. 01. Observe the pattern for CB configuration. ---- For this, connect the terminalsfrom CRO between this Collector and Base terminals and you can observe the pattern shown by CRO. Same procedure should continue for CE & BE configuration so as to test the transistor.

Which transistor configuration has the highest input impedance?

Common Emitter Configuration has maximum impedance.

Why cb configuration is preferred for amplification?

Actually ce configuration is preferred for amplification since it has a current gain of 20-500 and also has appreciable voltage and power gain. It has moderate output to input impedence ratio(about 50).

What are the applications of CB configuration?

the CB configutration is having low impedance & hence used in I-V converters(current -voltage converters)

Why common emitter configuration is mostly used for transistor as switch?

because in ce configuration value of input voltage requried to make the transistor on is very less value of the output voltage or output current

Why the 2n2222 amplifier voltage gain is less than one?

Without knowing things about the circuit that you don't give, this question can't be answered. The 2N2222, as any other bipolar transistor, can give large amounts of voltage gain in both CE & CB configuration, but less than one voltage gain in CC configuration. Nothing is unique about the 2N2222.

What is an explanation of different transistor configurations?

there are 3 types of configuratons......they are 1.common emmiter configuration 2.common collector configuration 3.common base configuration