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It's still an assembler, just because the machine it is assembled in isn't running doesn't mean the name changes.

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Q: What is called if an assembler that runs on one machine but produce machine code for another machine?
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Assembler directives in microprocessor?

Manual coding of 8086 is difficult hence we use a assembler or a compiler. Note that the microprocessor should be able to interpret your discussions via the program. Suppose if the instruction corresponds to word(16 bits), we use assembler directive WORD PTR, but when assembler is contacting the processor it sets a bit called 'w' indicating its a byte operation.

Why assembly level language is called machine dependent language?

Machine languages are composed of instructions intended to be read directly by the microprocessor (the computer's CPU). The manufacturer of the CPU determines it's "INSTRUCTION SET" ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE on the other hand IS NOT machine dependent. The same commands ADD, Divide, Move, etc are universal. HOWEVER the ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE has to have an INTERPRETER for EACH CPU, and that will translate the Universal ASSEMBLY language to the MACHINE SPECIFIC code required to program the CPU.

Is machine language is also called a assembly language?

Computers only understand machine code. Low-level Assembler language and all high-level languages must be assembled or compiled to machine code in order to execute. However, the computer itself can be programmed (with a machine-code program) to generate the required machine code from either a low-level or high-level input. Low-level Assembler is an almost one-to-one translation of symbols and mnemonics to machine code whereas high-level languages often compile to object code which is then linked to produce machine code. Interpreted high-level languages are not compiled to machine code but are interpreted by another program, an interpreter, which translates each line of high-level code into the required machine code at runtime. Java, for instance, compiles to byte code suitable for the Java virtual machine. The JVM is a machine code program that interprets the byte code to produce machine-specific machine code. As a result of this interpretation, Java programs are much slower than machine-coded implementations of the same program.

what tool used to convert C++ source code into executable machine code?

Compliers are used to convert C++ into assembly code. Then a tool called an "assembler" converts that code into machine code. Finally, a "linker" connects all of those machine code files into a single executable.

Which program is what results when assembly language programs are converted to machine language using an assembler?

The result of assembling an assembly language source is an executable. The name of that executable is dependent upon the output file name passed to the assembler. The program that performs the assembly is the assembler itself. More specifically, the assembler produces one or more object files, which are fed into the linker or binder. The linker or binder then produces the executable, by combining the object files, along with referenced library files, and then resolving external references.

Related questions

How do you change source code into machine code?

A program called a compiler, or sometimes an assembler (depending on the programming language) does this for you. You write the source code, then invoke the program that will convert this into machine language.

Are machine language and assembly language the same?

No, they are not the same. Assembly language uses mnemonic words to REPRESENT machine language; to be able to actually run it, a special program - a so-called assembler - then needs to convert it into machine language.

Is machine code and machine language means the same?

Sometimes it means different things. People use machine code for sequence of 0s and 1s, and assembler is usually called machine languages. But for the most part people use these two phrases interchangeably.

Assembler directives in microprocessor?

Manual coding of 8086 is difficult hence we use a assembler or a compiler. Note that the microprocessor should be able to interpret your discussions via the program. Suppose if the instruction corresponds to word(16 bits), we use assembler directive WORD PTR, but when assembler is contacting the processor it sets a bit called 'w' indicating its a byte operation.

Why assembly level language is called machine dependent language?

Machine languages are composed of instructions intended to be read directly by the microprocessor (the computer's CPU). The manufacturer of the CPU determines it's "INSTRUCTION SET" ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE on the other hand IS NOT machine dependent. The same commands ADD, Divide, Move, etc are universal. HOWEVER the ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE has to have an INTERPRETER for EACH CPU, and that will translate the Universal ASSEMBLY language to the MACHINE SPECIFIC code required to program the CPU.

Is machine language is also called a assembly language?

Computers only understand machine code. Low-level Assembler language and all high-level languages must be assembled or compiled to machine code in order to execute. However, the computer itself can be programmed (with a machine-code program) to generate the required machine code from either a low-level or high-level input. Low-level Assembler is an almost one-to-one translation of symbols and mnemonics to machine code whereas high-level languages often compile to object code which is then linked to produce machine code. Interpreted high-level languages are not compiled to machine code but are interpreted by another program, an interpreter, which translates each line of high-level code into the required machine code at runtime. Java, for instance, compiles to byte code suitable for the Java virtual machine. The JVM is a machine code program that interprets the byte code to produce machine-specific machine code. As a result of this interpretation, Java programs are much slower than machine-coded implementations of the same program.

what tool used to convert C++ source code into executable machine code?

Compliers are used to convert C++ into assembly code. Then a tool called an "assembler" converts that code into machine code. Finally, a "linker" connects all of those machine code files into a single executable.

What is the name for the machine used to mass produce vehicles?

It is not one machine, but a series of machines, called an assembly line.

How would you define assembly language?

assembly language uses abbreviation called is a bit easier to write computer programs in assembly language as compared to machine language but still requires skill and experienci.A program called assembler is used to convert an assembly language into machine language.

What is assemble in computer programming?

Assembly (not assemble) is the process by which low-level instruction code written in assembly language is converted into machine code. This is achieved using a piece of software called an assembler. Assembly language is a machine-specific language thus the resultant machine code is non-portable.

When one country can produce a product more cheaply than another country. what can this be called?

When one country can produce a product more cheaply than another country this is called comparative advantage. When one country can produce more goods than another using an equal amount of resources, this is called absolute advantage.

What do you mean by assembler directives?

For completing all the tasks, an assembler needs some hints from the programmer, i.e. the required storage for a particular constant or a variable, logical names of the segments, types of the different routines and modules, end of file, etc. These types of hints are given to the assembler using some predefined alphabetical strings called assembler directives, which help the assembler to correctly understand the assembly language programs to prepare the codes.