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When your girlfriend asks you if she looks fat in that. There is no known solution to the Bulge Test, several leading physicists and philosophers spent their entire lives in search of the solution, but to no avail. It is rumoured that the great thinker Pythagoras in fact went mad from his inability to solve the Bulge Test, and it was this that drove him to believe in the sanctity of beans, which, it is well recorded, led to his demise.

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Q: What is bulge test?
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What is the modern 'battle of the bulge'?

Trying to lose weight! (The bulge is the abdominal or midriff bulge.)

What is a sentence for bulge?

There was a strange bulge in the lawn.The Battle of the Bulge is a historic event.Karen went to the doctor as soon as she noticed a bulge beneath one of her breasts.

What else besides being pregnant causes abdoman movement my stomach is moving husband is able to feel with his hand pee test is negative?

If there is no bulge on the belly, then that's just the peristalsis of your digestive tract moving digested food along. If the fetus were able to move it would have caused some kind of bulge (however, it could be concealed by obesity) ecause in oreder to move, it would have to have developed significantly. If there is some kind of bulge, then the test was most likely a false negative, although a few diseases (and protein deficiency) could cause a bulge and peristalsis would be the cause of the movement.

What does the term bulge mean in battle of the bulge?

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What does galactic bulge mean?

It means when your in space and you have a big bulge.

Where did the bulge occur in the Battle of the Bulge?

The bulge was when the Germans surged ahead 60 feet in the Allied defenses in the Ardennes' Forest.

How many soldiers were in the battle of the bulge?

856,525 Allied soldiers fought in the Battle of the Bulge and the axis had 496,363 soldiers in the battle of the Bulge

Who was in the battla of bulge?

Germany, United states and Bitan were in the battle of the bulge

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How did the battle of the bulge stared?

took to much viagra and couldnt fight the bulge

What battle marked final German offensive?

Battle of the Bulge

How do you make a frogs eyes bulge?

You don't make a frogs eye bulge.