

What is arc crater?

Updated: 11/3/2022
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12y ago

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Arc crater is the depression in the molten metal created by the end of the welding electrode during the welding of metal.

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Q: What is arc crater?
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How is an arctangent a crater creator?

In a crater, the slope of the side of the crater is simply the arc-tangent of the height difference divided by the horizontal distance.

If a lunar crater has a diameter of 1 minute of arc what is that in kilometers?

The diameter of a lunar crater with 1 minute of arc is roughly 1.6 kilometers. The actual size of lunar craters can vary widely, so this is just an approximate value.

Can the unaided eye resolve a crater on the moon whose angular diameter is 1 arc minute times 60 arc seconds. Take the pupil diameter to be 5 millimeters and the wavelength........?

I can resolve 100 arc seconds. If craters are 60 arc seconds I'd bet that there are people whose eyes are good enough. 60 arc seconds is certainly within the 20 arc second maximum capability of the eye.

What is end return in a weld?

Not exactly sure what you're asking but this may be the info you want. When stick (SMAW) welding as you progress with the bead directly under the arc a slight depression forms. Called a crater. When you get to the end of the bead if you pull the electrode away the crater is there which promotes crater cracks. By pausing at that point and actually backing up a little the crater is filled. With practice the weld is the same height and width all the way to the end. Hope this is what you are asking about.

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No. Copernicus crater is an impact crater.

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The cheese crater. The cheese crater is the cheeseiest crater in all of cheese land.

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What is crater density?

the crater dentsity is not that much

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Crater of Diamonds is an ancient volcanic crater that contains diamonds in its rocks.

Where is sunset crater located?

Sunset Crater is located in Arizona.

What is a sentence for crater?

The astronauts explored the giant crater left by the meteor impact.

Does crater lake have snow?

Yes, if you type in "Crater Lake" on google images, you will find a snow-covered crater lake.