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A septic tank lets out air when liquid comes in. Bacteria in the tank help breakdown the sewage into cleaner effluent which is released into the drainfield. Some bacteria need air to work, others work without air. The bacteria that work with air soon run out of air in the tank and stop working. They can be reactivated by putting air into the septic tank just like air is put in the water in a fish tank. The process or the system to put air into a septic system makes the system an aerobic or an aerated system.

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Q: What is an Aerated Septic System?
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What can cause an aerated septic system to stink?

You need to get it cleaned out.

What is a nyadic septic system?

Nayadic is the name of a company in British Columbia, Canada. They make aerated septic systems that have a compressor constantly blowing air through a specially designed effluent chamber. This decomposes the solid septic faster and discharges almost clear water.

Maintain Septic System?

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Should I treat my septic system?

Septic system needs regualr maintenance, but always consider a professional to treat your septic problems.

What is the area of the ground in a septic system that the water filters through?

It is a septic system drainfield.

What is the smell coming from outside when you have your own septic system?

Your septic system could be backed up and that is why you are smelling a foul smell. The best thing to do is to call a septic system business and have them come out and take a look at your septic system, if you think that is what is causing the foul smell.

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Can squirrels swim up toilets from a septic system?

Can I use a clearstream septic system?

A clearstream septic system can be installed on nearly every type of home. Try calling and asking a sevice provider for the septic systems.

What is the safest tampon for septic systems?

Tampons and pads should not be disposed of into a septic system or any sewer system.

What are the septic system treatment steps?

Inspect your system once each year. Keep maintenance records. Check with a certified septic technician for help with system problems. And Pump out your septic tank when needed.

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septic tank

Is a septic still an in ground septic system if it is raised but runs into the tank by gravity?
