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Amplitude distortion occurs in an electronic signal when the power of the amplifier is not great enough to carry the sine wave to its intended peak amplification. If you look at the wave form of a amplitude distorted output signal, it would look like someone had neatly sliced off the top of a hill. Though amplitude distortion is usually an undesired result, the effect is sometimes used intentionally for audio applications, such as a distorted rock guitar which gives that crunchy rock sound.

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Q: What is amplitude distortion?
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As harmonics increase, the amplitude will also increase since more frequencies are being added to the original signal. This can result in a more complex waveform with higher amplitudes at multiples of the fundamental frequency. It is important to regulate the amplitude to prevent distortion or clipping in the signal.

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distortion refers to any deviation in any parameter like amplitude,time shape of an electrical signal from an ideal input signal.the distortion occurs due to the inherent non-linear characteristics of the component and devices that form the electronic circuit cause some harmonics to take place in the waveform and resultant deviation is know as harmonic distortion.

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IF we use frequency modulation for transmitting video signal this can cause phase shifting .and eyes can percieve this distortion effect easly . and requires more bandwidth to send the signal .Color levels are adjusted by amplitude in TV .So it s more logic to use Amplitude modulation .

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What does distortion mean in music?

A clean tone is the sound a guitar string makes when it is plucked. A common sound manipulation trick used in rock, and well, most types of music involving guitars, is "distortion". Distortion is what gives the guitar that electric sound we all love. The intro to this song is a guitar that is clean (no distortion): The intro to this song is a guitar that is distorted: Sorry I can give you the technical specifications. Check this out:

What has the author William N Smott written?

William N. Smott has written: 'Sampling and coding as a means of reducing time and amplitude distortion in recording' -- subject(s): Electronics

What are the 3 principle characteristics of musical tones?

-- Amplitude (loudness) -- Frequency of fundamental / (mathematically tied to wavelength) -- Timbre/distortion (number and amplitudes of harmonic components) How about -- Attack ? -- Decay ? -- Vibrato ?

If you transmit a certain amplitude freqency wave through a high voltage or magnetic field then what will happen to the transmitted wave?

Distortion and static, as radio waves (assuming that's what you are talking about) are electro-magnetic by definition.

How the ripple and distortions are differs with one another?

A: Ripple is a repetitive voltage variation strictly relevant to the frequency. distortion can be loading variation or bad design to begin with. The amplitude and shape will change as a function of overdrive

Two ways that sound can be altered?

Sound can be altered by changing the amplitude, which affects the volume of the sound, or by changing the frequency, which affects the pitch of the sound. Additionally, sound can be altered by applying effects such as reverb or distortion.