

What is a syntax for REM statement?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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13y ago

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REM any text

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Q: What is a syntax for REM statement?
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What is syntax of a remark statement?

The only language, which has remark-statement, is BASIC. Syntax: REM any text

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No. A violation in the syntax of a program statement is called a syntax error.

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During REM sleep, people seldom dream.

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The conditional statement in foxpro is DID YOU GET IT

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Anywhere really. A data statement (or REM statement) - can be placed anywhere within the program, because the operating system ignores all REM statements.

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It is one of the statements. Its syntax in BNF is the following: statement ::= for_statement for_statement ::= 'for' '(' opt_expression ';' expression ';' expression ')' statement

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clearly:if () orif () else In each case, can be a null statement, a single statement, or a block of statements surrounded by braces, {}.

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it's not a statement, it's a function: len= printf (format, ...more-parameters...);

Can you write plus at end of c statement?

No. That would be a syntax error. Only a right semicolon (;) can go at the end of a statement.

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you have to give a statement in the following syntax datatype variable;