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A tensile test machine is designed to give a straight line pull on a member so that it measures only direct tensile stress given as the force applied divided by the member area

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Q: What is a straight pull tensile test?
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How do you do a pull test?

A pull test involves applying force to a component or material to assess its tensile strength. This is typically done by attaching a calibrated force gauge to the material and steadily increasing the force until the material fails. The maximum force at which failure occurs is then recorded as the pull test result.

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What is tensile test?

A sample is tested using a tensile test machine by loading it in a direction along its axis. The load is measured with a load cell, and when the sample breaks its tensile strength is determined by dividing the failure load by its area.

When a tensile strength test specimen begins to deform permanently it has reached its?

Tensile yield point or yield strength

What is tensile strength?

The tensile strength of some thing is it's ability to withstand pulling. For instance, the polymers of Kevlar are tightly bound therefore it has a high tensile strength because it does not easily pull apart.

In splitting tensile test actually you are getting compressive strength but in answer you are writing it as tensile strength why?

Apologies for the confusion. In splitting tensile test, a cylindrical concrete specimen is subjected to a diametrical compressive load, leading to a splitting or tensile failure across the plane perpendicular to the applied load. The tensile strength obtained from the splitting tensile test is a measure of the material's ability to resist failure under tensile stresses.

Why you are conducting tensile test and compression test for a material?

because he sat on the toilet sitting on the toilet

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What is a pull a pull and a twist all examples of?

They are all mechanical stresses. Push is a compressive stress. Pull is a tensile stress and Twist is a type of shear stress.